Tingles’ Wife Is Running For Congress
UFP– Wife Of MSNBC Moron Chris Matthews Is Running For Congress…R U FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME ?!?
UFP– Wife Of MSNBC Moron Chris Matthews Is Running For Congress…R U FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME ?!?
Video HERE A woman was shot by a Washington, D.C., police officer at the scene of a fire Saturday evening in Northeast Washington. Metropolitan Police Department Commander David Taylor [Read More]
FrontPageMag- Liberals say they love to go to Cuba because they find Castro inspirational and there are no Starbucks places anywhere in sight. Really they’re going there for the child [Read More]
In this clip Erickson urges/threatens the audience to not give Jeb Bush their truthful reaction once he’s introduced. “Jeb and I exchange emails,” Erickson crows. Ohhhhhhh. Then I’ll clap for the guy that [Read More]
Just when you think you’ve found a breath of fresh air, there’s inevitably a revealing whiff of cautionary stench in it. TheRightScoop: Back during the government shutdown of 2013, Carly [Read More]
“Black Lives Matter” protesters are gearing up for the anniversary of their favorite thug, Mike Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri, and they’re doing it the only way they know how – [Read More]
Got any lies you believed?
A woman in Danville, Virginia was expecting a delivery from Lowes. When a white man and a black man showed up to make the delivery, the woman refused to let [Read More]
Government Accountability Office (GAO) using official Department of Justice data ANOTHER ONE AFTER THE JUMP –
One might think a solar powered chicken coop is a goof, like a two story outhouse, but thanks to the largess of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it’s a reality.
Are there any other candidates willing to stand up to Islam in a bold way, a way that will make lefties cry? I want that president. Whoever he or she is, [Read More]
“Pro-Life” Jeb! Bush Was a Director of a Foundation that Funneled Millions to Planned Parenthood Wizbang- Jeb Bush likes to focus on what a pro-life guy he is. He talks [Read More]
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