IOTW Report – Page 7325

Cherokee People

Thursday, 9 July 2015, 21:16 BFH 35

Readers are going to have to learn the hard way that when they e-mail me good stuff it might end up as a post! This is from Sean Padraig- I [Read More]

Lazy Ants

Thursday, 9 July 2015, 20:00 Dr. Tar 17

Scientists studying Temnothorx rugatulus ants of Western North America have identified a caste within their colonies that largely laze about most of the time. Lead scientist, Daniel Carbonneau, asks, “are they [Read More]

One Million Years BC

Thursday, 9 July 2015, 17:45 Cardigan 28

PatriotRetort– While addressing a climate conference in Toronto, Governor Jerry Brown, like his Master Barack, used the opportunity to insult and attack the American People who question the alleged “settled [Read More]


Thursday, 9 July 2015, 15:30 Dr. Tar 35

First there were Obamaphones. Then came the grand boondoggle of them all, Obamacare. Now the President of the United States has announced his intention to give solar panels to poor people.

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