“Shunned”: A film about Palestinian gays and lesbians in Israel
Ezra Levant: See, in North America, we argue over whether or not bakeries should be compelled to bake gay wedding cakes. In much of the Muslim world, the gay rights [Read More]
Ezra Levant: See, in North America, we argue over whether or not bakeries should be compelled to bake gay wedding cakes. In much of the Muslim world, the gay rights [Read More]
Maggie’sFarm- He talks about business people, but neglects the frequency of psychopathy in politicians. I think it’s more common in the latter. Over the years, I have told some number [Read More]
MyNorthwest—Report: Advisory committee considers idea of eliminating zoning for single-family homes in Seattle. If adopted, ideas being considered by a Seattle housing committee would be devastating to the city’s appeal, KIRO [Read More]
Dennis Prager has been doing a series in the National Review on how to tell a Liberal from a Conservative. The latest article defines how each view the role of [Read More]
I.S.- Not everyone maintains their smoke detectors. One common problem is that there are people who don’t replace the batteries so some state and city officials in their infinite wisdom are passing laws [Read More]
OddityCentral- Stupid ‘Sunburn Art’ Trend Puts People at Risk of Skin Cancer. Thousands of Instagrammers around the world are risking skin cancer in a bid to follow the latest online craze [Read More]
Vdare– The overwhelming silent majority of American citizens who are immigration patriots have been wondering for years when someone would tell the truth and force the Main Stream Media to [Read More]
#BetterIdeasForISIS Learn a trade or start a franchise. It’s hard to get a good hotdog in the desert. pic.twitter.com/NkoZXaFJzY — MarketRunner (@SWGaspar) July 6, 2015 More here
The Arizona Daily Star has declared that a 14-foot-high border fence is injuring illegals as they attempt to climb over it.
A Mr. Pinko production-
Malibu beaches have always been public, but you wouldn’t think so watching the lengths Hollywood progressives went to keep the “riff-raff” off “their” beaches. They must open up pathways that they [Read More]
Hope n Change- As if we needed another reminder that our national culture has literally gone down the crapper, it was revealed this week that first daughter Malia Obama has taken [Read More]
Drachma Drama Sondrakistan- Greece. …yeah. Here we go again… The creditors call with a dealio — they say, ‘ohHellNO,’ and dance in the streets celebrating their “independence.” Germany, acting the [Read More]
#LegalAmerican Lives Matter Breitbart A six-time-deported illegal immigrant is charged in the felony hit-and-run of an Arizona mother and her two young children. The man allegedly admitted to being high [Read More]
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