The real reason progressives don't like gasoline
Via Common Cents This has to be seen to be believed –
Via Common Cents This has to be seen to be believed –
They tortured her with spiked clamp device called a ‘biter’
It’s going to be another hilarious year in the world of progtardism. In an interview with perennial dipwad, Ezra Klein, Krugman said the following: …as a Times columnist, I can’t [Read More]
Big Government- The day after an Idaho toddler found a gun in his mother’s purse in a Wal-Mart checkout line and accidentally shot and killed her, the toddler’s grandpa is [Read More]
Breitbart Sports: The Chronicle of Higher Education posts a sordid story tracing the decades-long grade fixing scandal that has engulfed college sports, revealing a problem, that reaches from the players and their [Read More]
University Scientific Study – Do Birds Slur Their Singing When They Get Drunk? Newser- Not many people count getting zebra finches drunk as their job. But researchers at the Oregon [Read More]
Comedy 103.1 h/t Snowball the Sourpuss
Conservative Tribune—Article V of the U.S. Constitution states that Congress shall call a Convention of the Statesin order to propose amendments to the Constitution if two-thirds of the state legislatures [Read More]
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