Parent uncovers internal documents exposing school’s ‘woke’ agenda – IOTW Report

Parent uncovers internal documents exposing school’s ‘woke’ agenda

Concerned parent Ian Prior talks pushing back against critical race theory on ‘Fox News Primetime.’ ​

11 Comments on Parent uncovers internal documents exposing school’s ‘woke’ agenda

  1. Didn’t we like already know all this for a long long time now? It’s not like they are trying to hide it. As Anonymous said, the teachers unions latched on to “In loco parentis” as an excuse to get more involved, more influential, and more controlling.

    It is no surprise that about the same time the teacher’s unions gained more power through the Democratic party, our test scores compared to the rest of the world went right into the shitter.

  2. @Anon
    How did this critical race theory get such a stranglehold on the educational system in the first place?

    Because of the ‘great’ UNIFIER-in-Chieftain!



  3. They didn’t mention Ronald Reagan when I was in school and I lived in fairly conservative parts of md but Annapolis had the last say on textbooks and curriculum

  4. I am not accusing anyone, but, many comments *sound* myopic, as if this is some “new thing”. It is just the same vile evil (counter to YHWH) that has been renamed, repackaged (new & improved) foisted on humanity ever since the Garden. Death by one million cuts. It has grown exponentially the last 400 to 600 years, but has always been with us.

    Many seem to want to return to 25, 50 or even 100 years ago. Yes, that would be an improvement, but, it will not stay that which is inevitable. Judgement will be upon the world sooner than most believe. IOW, the scoffers are saying “where is the promise of His coming?”. He has an appointed time and we can see the signs of the beginning of sorrows fast approaching.

    Immerse yourself in His Word, cover to cover and shut out the empty vain words of men, focusing solely on His eternal truths, letting scripture interpret scripture. It is very difficult but you must let go of the doctrines of man, rabbinic and christian. Hold on to the Son, Yahshuah and know that he is King of ALL.

    Peaceful (High) sabbath (7th day of Unleavened bread)

  5. I’ve posted it many times, but it bears repeating

    My brother and I only showed up to take tests unless we had a compelling reason to attend class… like if there was a cute girl in that class. My mother was furious, but we both were getting among the highest grades on tests, so the schools said there wasn’t much they could do about it. We would have something like 35-45 absences per semester.

    Kicked my ass when I was in college and had to really pay attention in class and study too. Engineering will separate out the dimwits real quick. It used to anyway, who knows nowadays?

    This shit is exactly the reason we opted out.

  6. I had many black co-workers and friends over the years and I’d listen to what they said. It became obvious to me that critical race theory and black liberation theology was being pushed heavily in black churches for at least the last thirty years. Those commie, racist reverends had their flocks eating out of their hands with their anti-American and anti-white propaganda. Plus, those reverends had all the poontang they wanted because that’s just the way it be. Got to minister to the sisters, don’t you know. Their words, not mine!


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