Paris, France has a robot pizzeria – IOTW Report

Paris, France has a robot pizzeria

watch the robots make a pizza.

16 Comments on Paris, France has a robot pizzeria

  1. Hmmm, not a bad idea! I kinda like the thought of no humans touching my pizza before I put it in my mouth. No pissed off employees taking revenge out on the owner and its customers. Any more, it’s dangerous eating anything. Don’t even know if someone licked the gallon of ice cream you just purchased.

  2. …might wanna get with Fanuc instead, they have a built-in circular motion routine for your tooling.

    True, its for welding, but that and pizza saucing are kinda samey…

    …also, that robot doesn’t look washdown, brah. Between that and your French-ness, I question your commitment to sanitation.

  3. 8 YEARS is a pretty long time for cell development. Most OEMs can put a functional cell together in months if adequately motivated and parts are available. It might need tweaking, but again with Fanuc you can do that literally while running, and if its paired with Allen Bradley for the PLCs and HMIs, you can pretty much mod EVERYTHING as it runs and makes you money, since 8 YEARS is a L-O-N-G time to wait for ROI.

    You could do it in stages too. Make the robot core and have some manual processes, like order taking and ingredient stocking to start out, then as you start to make bank, add those upgrades in and eventually get it full auto but be making coin the whole time.

    You’d best kiosk the CRAP out of that customer terminal tho, if you leave too much functionality there they are gonna cause a train wreck, and.. trust me…EVERY terminal that is not watched WILL have someone try to surf porn on it one way or another. They probably won’t be able to, but they don’t mind wrecking your comms in the effort.

    Hope you’ve got an algorithm for checking temperatures and discarding old ingredients during slow periods too.

    Not to mention cross-contamination of possible allergens, since the robot doesn’t know to pick the stray anchovy out of the peppers.

    And that thing WILL break down, and getting it back up WILL be expensive, not to mention lost business and generated ill will.

    On the plus side, it won’t spit in the policeman’s food or take a bath in the sink, so there’s that.

    But sometimes joints can leak, and also splash can be harbored on the robot arms, both of which can end up in the food in your open container area. Yech.

    In any case, good luck.

    You’re gonna need it.

  4. don’t worry the future’s gonna be great …

    ‘Carl Jr. Now w/ Big Ass Fries!’
    ‘Welcome to Costco … I love you’

    President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho sez so ……FUCK YEAH!!!

    besides, they’re probably using Siemens PLC’s (EU, ya know)

    APRIL 21, 2022 AT 9:37 PM

    “besides, they’re probably using Siemens PLC’s (EU, ya know)”

    Yeah. Siemens sucks. So does Kuka robots, also a European specialty. But some OEMs like Multivac use proprietary systems that they won’t let customers access or edit the PLC or HMI at all, not even for diagnostic purposes. We generally scoop that shit out and put Rockwell products and our own programming in when it fails.

    Screw EU.

  6. @SNS ~ we never used proprietary systems for just the reasons you explained. we actually built our own SCADA system, in house, using Linex … basically, a one-of-a-kind unhackable (so far) product (if there truly ever was one) … I’m going back to the ’90’s here when we built this network using this guy’s program he wrote in the basement of the main office … I’m talking Milton Waddums type basement office

    ever go to a meeting, seminar, employee development retreat (God, I loathed those), presentation, etc. & they always had some jagg-off that thought he was the smartest person in the room & tried oh so hard to make sure everyone know he/she was? well, this guy was like that … only difference … he was the smartest person in the room

    I used to love how he would absolutely destroy the person that had the temerity to believe he/she was the smartest person in the room … learned a lot from that man on how to deal w/ assholes … one of the few people in real life I truly admire … very down-to-earth guy … we communicate often & brag about our kids & grandkids … especially their shooting scores


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