Paris Hilton Exposes Her Child Abuse (and MKUltra)  – IOTW Report

Paris Hilton Exposes Her Child Abuse (and MKUltra) 

She’s going public with stories of how she was abused as a teenager in at residential treatment facilities designed to treat diagnosed attention deficit disorder.

7 Comments on Paris Hilton Exposes Her Child Abuse (and MKUltra) 

  1. Keep in mind what Anne Heche was doing when she had her little “accident”.

    nunyo bidness
    THURSDAY, 18 AUGUST 2022, 6:29 AT 6:29 AM
    heche was working on a movie about her daughter being abducted for human trafficking (girl in room 13)

    some say she’s now either in protective custody or was murdered

  2. The children of Hollywood actors, the child actors, etc. are nearly ALL the victims of this global pedophile ring. Try mentioning these truths on most platforms and your post will quickly be deleted or rejected. The sad part is that these kids don’t murder their parents for what was done to them in furtherance of their careers.


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