Paul Ryan: Know-Nothing Extraordinaire – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan: Know-Nothing Extraordinaire

THIS is WHY I SUPPORT the FIRST PHASE of Obamacare repeal and replacement which is the reconciliation bill released three days ago. I ALSO support phase two and THREE which is FULL repeal coming SOON. I ALSO support starting a Go Fund Me page to raise money to install a PERMANENT MUZZLE on know nothing BLOW HARDS like Rand Paul.


C. Steven Tucker

26 Comments on Paul Ryan: Know-Nothing Extraordinaire

  1. OK Steven Tucker, I linked this video about 15 threads south of here. Where I typed, I’ve beard many conservatives say that it will take a year to unwind Obamacare because many of those policies IRS have. Even funded for 9 months. Strange time frame. My question, any truth to this, and on a scale of 1 to 10 how tough is it going to be rolling back this shit program, and did BFH leave the tip?

  2. Ryan and the weak kneed RINOs are more concerned about self-preservation, politics and their self-interest versus what is best for the Nation.
    Phase out Obamacare????
    Repeal it, as Trump and most GOP candidates who asked for our votes promised.
    Are we again being played for fools?
    Gutless Cowards!

  3. Insurance companies have made about 2 percent growth since Trump became president and talked about health care reform. Warren Buffet makes boo coo bucks out of the insurance industry, say Berkshire Hathaway…..UMMMM HUMMMM….The Insurance industry is filthy and should go the way of the buggy whip….

  4. I’ve had that POS ryan blow smoke up my ass often enough that I assume he is blowing smoke every time he speaks. And I’m probably right. Him, mcconnell, gowdy, hell there is a bunch of them, you can’t believe anything they say.

  5. @Cato,
    Ryan and his dumber than bricks sidekicks are 1: still forever working for the Chamber of Commerce reelection fundraisers and 2: stupidly believing the, proven wrong, polls from the New York Times and CNN saying they will lose to the Dems if they try to pull the country out of socialism.

  6. AW FUCK!….NOW I WENT TO THE PISSED MODE……Insurance companies are why MJA’S insulin pump ain’t $39.95 with free shipping and handling and a 20 year warranty…..

    Insurance companies produce NOTHING! they exchange paperwork and put their veg on top of it….they are why the Germans thought they wanted to kill the Jews….money launderers. Insurance companies are merely a place to employ your stupid aunt/brother/cousin who can’t earn an honest living….they are like accountants with a lisp….lump….tumor and they fart a lot….

  7. Not to defend the extreme price of an insulin pump (or other medical devices), but I suspect that govt. regulations often force manufacturers to use custom parts and designs for medical equipment which would drastically drive up costs (probably very few if any “off the shelf” components allowed due to supposed reliability issues). I also suspect that a large percentage of the price is “insurance” against law suits (it seems that every medical product on the market today is involved in lawsuits based on the TV commercials and internet ads I see). This also causes a lot of “fail-safes” and often redundant safety mechanisms to be designed into the product in an effort to limit potential liability which jacks up costs as well.

    The best I can tell, the entire market for insulin pumps including all brands worldwide appears to be around 100k annually, so the volume isn’t huge for an electronic product (78.2 million iphones were sold worldwide just in the first quarter of 2017). And hopefully the medical devices that people’s lives depend on aren’t haphazardly stamped out by the millions by slave labor at FoxConn (that make iphones) or similar factories.

    Insulin pumps shouldn’t be so expensive, but I just don’t think all the blame for extreme prices should necessarily go to the manufacturers of these devices – there are plenty of other grubby paws involved in the mix.

  8. “Obamacare will be fully repealed and replaced before summertime.” – csteventucker

    HOW, considering 52 (R) Senate seats?
    I second joe6pak’s “Ryan blowing smoke…” remark.

  9. If you think OCare will be fully repealed & replaced by summertime, please send me this magic med that gives you these delusions.
    RynoCare is as best as the CongressRats will do, and the only way it gets better is if there’s enough outrage from the GenPop.
    I worked in GOP politics for 30 yrs, these asshats think this garbage is far right policy.

  10. EXCERPTS: ” By repealing the mandates and taxes without repealing the regulations, exchanges, and subsidies will cause adverse selection whereby younger, healthier individuals will leave the system.

    Republicans will own a more precipitous Obamacare death spiral than the existing turmoil under current law. Ironically, it will be blamed on the “repeal and replace” bill, even though it is in fact the non-repealed version (regulations and subsidies) exacerbated by the repeal of the funding mechanism (mandates and taxes) that will cause the system to collapse.”


  11. Medical care is out of control. The cost of care, hospital costs and drug costs are all way higher than what a free market would dictate. Just like college costs, every time the givernment gets involved costs go up. We also don’t have enough money to pay for what people really want (free health care with no increase in taxes). If you look at countries who have “free” health care they pay very high taxes and get low levels of care. Just compare cancer survival between the US and Europe or Canada.

  12. I’m not smart enough to understand all of the politics and procedures in play here. With that being said, I’m not going to get all spun up this early in the game. I voted for Trump because he promised a repeal and replace Obamacare. So, far he has made efforts to live up to all of his campaign promises. I’m going to trust Trump and follow his lead on this because I believe he is looking out for us. If he betrays us that we’ll have to replace him in 2020. It is his job to get the best deal he can for us. It won’t be everything we want but a half loaf is better than no loaf. He’s only got about 16 months to git-r-done. Let’s pray for Trump and support him to get the most he can for us.

  13. Anything that Congress and Trump pass into law, that requires anyone (individual or business) to do something concerning health care, that is not repeal. That is still the Federal Gov’t running health care, and is not something the Constitution allows. Health care concerns are State issues. The most Congress should get away with is spending money on Block Grants to the States for the States version(s) of public health care laws.
    Repeal, it’s not just for oranges anymore.

  14. Repeal–declare the entire law null and void to return things to the way they were.
    Prosecute every dumb mutha who agreed to this unconstitutional PoS, from the high court down.

  15. I want to know why doctors and hospitals aren’t required to give costs up front. It’s the only thing you don’t know what the cost will be until after you get the bill. That’s how they can bring 6 consultants and their dogs in on a surgery and charge you for it.
    They should have to sign a contract like every other business.
    Don’t give me that “what about complications” crap. There can be provisions for the unknown but not for incompetence or screw ups.

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