Pelosi’s Guest Ejected From SOTU For Shouting During Address – IOTW Report

Pelosi’s Guest Ejected From SOTU For Shouting During Address

CBS News

President Trump didn’t shy away from his push for Second Amendment rights during Tuesday night’s State of the Union address. But as he spoke about the importance of protecting the right to bear arms, the father of a teenage girl killed in the 2018 Parkland, Florida mass shooting yelled out — and was promptly ejected.  More

28 Comments on Pelosi’s Guest Ejected From SOTU For Shouting During Address

  1. …should have ejected Pelosi while they were at it…

    …you know, listening to this President recount his STUNNING list of successes, great as ANY President and greater than MOST, I couldn’t help but think how much GREATER this Country COULD be right NOW, had he not had to fight America-hating Democrats from before he was even sworn in.

    …He’s revived this Nation in an AMAZINGLY short time, but if the Democrats actually LOVED this Country, we’d have a colony on Mars now and be set for life in stock market gains ALONE, as nations line up hat in hand to beg favors and try to learn how to perform this miracle for THEMSELVES…

    …if only satan didn’t have his Democrat minions to stand in the way…

  2. I grieve for Mr. Guttenberg’s loss… but as we all know, the system (once again) is to blame for the events at Marjory S Douglas not guns. Not nary a single one of my firearms has ever perpetrated violence against another human bean….
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  3. Look at the thumbnail and see if what I saw in her eyes at the SOTU is so.

    BOTH of her pupils look completely blown. I could tell what color Pence’s eyes were but I couldn’t see ANY of HER iris from the pupil dilation, and they were at the same level.

    If I came across someone with mydriasis like this at car accident, I’d suspect either serious brain injury, serious drug abuse, or both.

    …in HER case, however, it might just be that satan is looking through them, and they’re so bleared from age and jaundiced from alcohol abuse that he NEEDS to open them WAY up to see anything.

    …although, to be fair, I think I’d suspect either serious brain injury, serious drug abuse, or both in ANY Democrat to explain their behavior, although satan works there, too; actually, he not only WORKS there, he puts in a LOT of overtime behind the eyes of ALL the Demoncrats, and it SHOWS…

  4. With Smellosi tearing up President Trump’s speech & thus disrespecting him, she also dishonored all of the people he brought & honored. I’m still so pissed at what she did I’ve not yet stopped spitting nails.

  5. Trump is truly forcing the Democrats to show their hateful natures, show who they are and what they stand for and how they go about it.

    Something no other Republican has ever done or, as near as I can tell, tried to do.

    Nothing is hidden now, no one can ever use that “I didn’t know” excuse again.

  6. Only the evilest of rat bastards would use his own child’s death as a club to try to beat Trump with, when he KNOWS Trump had NOTHING to do with the policies that led to her death and, in fact, opposes them.

  7. Sorry about your horrific loss dad but you’re screaming at the wrong person. You let party ideology make it easier for future shooting deaths. And a viral hashtag in honor of your bedwetting outburst isn’t something to be proud of.

  8. Unfortunately, this goof will never understand the difference in pain had she been eviscerated instead of shot.

    It’s not the killer, it’s the tool that this asshat chooses to focus on. May he rot in hell and never see his daughter again.

  9. “because I let my emotions get the best of me”.
    Typical adolescent/liberal reaction to….well…..anything/everything.

    Can’t run a business on “emotions” and DAMNED WELL can’t run a country on “emotions”.

  10. His point is guns did this? So free people don’t need guns, because the police will protect us? I seem to remember a cop was there at the time and was hiding as one kid after another was shot. No one should put much trust in government to protect you. In most circumstances they just aren’t able. For the most part law enforcement does a nice investigation after the fact.
    It’s your job! If we were able to get rid of all guns what would the police use to stop a mass murderer? What would anybody use to stop them until the police arrived and were able to stop them? A gun in the hands of a very small weak person can stop multiple large strong killers.

  11. It’s very sad that that man lost his daughter to some crazy bastid who got a hold of guns. The kid probably would have figured out another way to kill those people in the school if he didn’t have guns.
    But this father needs to face reality. There are more murders in “gun free”zones than anyplace else.
    He isn’t thinking. He’s running on emotions.

  12. Of course CBS only quoted supporters of Guttenberg and of his outburst. In subsequent tweets he talks about gun control when what he actually means a zero gun policy. His inability to place the real blame for his daughters murder at the feet of the shooter and to a lessor degree all the government employees that disregarded or failed to see the blatant warning signs from the killer that could have topped him. It’s a shame but I really see his daughters death taking over the life of Guttenberg to the detriment of his family, friends and himself.

  13. He should show his commitmemt to the cause and blow his brains out with an AR-15.

    Lucky for the hazmat crew, that wouldn’t be too big of a mess and it adds one more statistic to the “gun violence” tally.

  14. I feel bad for the man.

    Nancy having him there did him NO justice. It just was an exploitation of his grief by the left and just as undignified at the state of the union address as Talib, Omar, and Pelosi tearing a document.

  15. Well Guttenberg is a Jewish name maybe he should read about history a little more. There was a guy named Adolf that took apart families and sent the men to male camps, women to female camps, and children to child camps. After awhile they decided to come up with a solution to a problem, it was easy to do when Germans had no gun rights to defend themselves.


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