Pennsylvania governor vetoes measure aimed at increasing transparency in school curriculum – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania governor vetoes measure aimed at increasing transparency in school curriculum

Just The News: Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed legislation Wednesday that would have given parents a closer look at what their children are learning in school.

Wolf argued in his veto message the requirements in House Bill 1332 that public schools give parents online access to class materials is “overly burdensome” and claimed ulterior motives behind the “dangerous and harmful imposition.”

“Under the guise of transparency, this legislation politicizes what is being taught in our public schools,” Wolf wrote. “State regulations adopted by the State Board of Education already require that public schools provide parents and guardians with course curriculum and instructional materials upon request. In addition, textbooks are adopted by school boards in meetings open to the public.

“Therefore, requiring all public schools to publish on their website the details of every textbook, course syllabus or written summary of each course, and the relevant academic standards for each course is not only duplicative, but overly burdensome.”

Wolf said the “onerous requirements of this bill fall on educators” who should be focused on more important issues, and pointed to unnamed “shareholder groups” in opposition.

“This legislation is a thinly veiled attempt to restrict truthful instruction and censor content reflecting various cultures, identities and experiences,” Wolf wrote. “My Administration is committed to creating a safe learning environment for all students, and we will not take part in this dangerous and harmful imposition.”

The Republican-controlled General Assembly approved HB 1332 last week amid a backlash from parents in many public school districts across the country over issues including critical race theory, graphic sexual books, sex education curriculum and political indoctrination. read more

12 Comments on Pennsylvania governor vetoes measure aimed at increasing transparency in school curriculum

  1. “State regulations adopted by the State Board of Education already require that public schools provide parents and guardians with course curriculum and instructional materials upon request. In addition, textbooks are adopted by school boards in meetings open to the public. “Therefore, requiring all public schools to publish on their website the details of every textbook, course syllabus or written summary of each course, and the relevant academic standards for each course is not only duplicative, but overly burdensome.”

    So what if it’s duplicative? A lot of parents cannot make it to school board meetings. And if it’s already available by request, what’s the big deal about copying and pasting to the website? He knows what the real problem is– that exposure to sunlight is the best disinfectant.

  2. Wolfe has been the governor from hell. He keeps doubling down on anti-American and anti family actions that destroy families, jobs, and businesses.

    Besides he’s s skinny prick whose ass I would like to kick given 5 minutes alone in a room with him. He ought to be taken to the train station in the Allegheny National forest.

  3. The good people of Pennsylvania should drag this maggot out and hang it.
    And then burn the fetid carcass – after allowing the fags to abuse it as was done to Gaddafi.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Having sat on textbook selection committees, I have to agree. The real transparency is between the teacher and parent/student through involvement, discussions and conferences. Cut the bureaucracy and let the professional educators teach. All I ever cared about was that my son’s teachers knew how to teach, knew what was best to teach (their business/industry, after all), and that my son’s wanted to learn from them. In fact, I don’t want the state involved at all.

  5. First I was supposed to care about men that strangled to death, while hanging themselves, while pleasuring themselves. I checked my field of fncks. But it was barren.

    Now I’m supposed to care about parents that send their children to be subject to the trannystars of single mommery? I’ll look again. Nope. Still no fncks.

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