Pennsylvania’s First Muslim Female State Representative Forced to Resign for ‘Brazen Corruption’ – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania’s First Muslim Female State Representative Forced to Resign for ‘Brazen Corruption’


Movita Johnson-Harrell was a favorite of CAIR and Ilhan Omar.

Movita Johnson-Harrell was a trailblazer, an icon, and a hero for equality for becoming the first Muslim female elected to the Pennsylvania State House earlier this year.

Now, she is disgraced, unemployed, and may face jail time after being forced to resign from her post following “brazen corruption,” as described by state Attorney General Josh Shapiro.

Johnson-Harrell handed herself over to Shapiro’s office and pleaded guilty on charges of embezzling over $500,000 in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security disability funds as well as record tampering and perjury charges. She even embezzled funds given to the Motivations Education and Consultation Associates (MECA), a charity she created to help drug addicted and mentally ill minorities in her community.


14 Comments on Pennsylvania’s First Muslim Female State Representative Forced to Resign for ‘Brazen Corruption’

  1. Her resume is now being shopped with DNC, Bloomberg, Butteplug, and fauxihauntas, can still be hired before sentencing, which is delayed due to her pregnancy w/Hunter Biden, Joe is pissed that he hasn’t had a wiff of her hair, bernie trying to get her to share her secret methods to further his commie/socialist money laundering bank accts in offshore scheme, did I cover all the asses that desire her methods?

  2. “She even embezzled funds given to the Motivations Education and Consultation Associates (MECA), a charity she created”

    wait just one cotton picking minute!
    if this is a crime
    why aren’t hillary and al sharpton in jail?


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