Peru to cease aid to Venezuelan migrants – IOTW Report

Peru to cease aid to Venezuelan migrants

American Thinker: What has to happen for Latin American leaders to understand that Venezuela is a regional matter and humanitarian crisis?

The latest is that Peru may be done helping Venezuelans, as Sabrina Martin just wrote:

Óscar Pérez, president of the NGO Unión Venezolana in Peru, will ask the Peruvian government to extend the expiration date for the Temporary Permit to Stay (PTP) and implement a humanitarian visa for vulnerable Venezuelans.

In an interview with the PanAm Post, Pérez added that the decision of the Vizcarra government not to extend the timeframe for the PTPs term should be of concern to all Venezuelans, adding that it was a surprising decision to close the doors to migration.

Óscar Pérez, president of the NGO Unión Venezolana in Peru, will ask the Peruvian government to extend the expiration date for the Temporary Permit to Stay (PTP) and implement a humanitarian visa for vulnerable Venezuelans.

In an interview with the PanAm Post, Pérez added that the decision of the Vizcarra government not to extend the timeframe for the PTPs term should be of concern to all Venezuelans, adding that it was a surprising decision to close the doors to migration.

So Peru is saying “no mas” — no more.  I get it.  Peru wants Peruvians to have the jobs.   more

3 Comments on Peru to cease aid to Venezuelan migrants

  1. @anon

    Kinda like…..

    New Yaukers fleeing to Florida or…..

    Calfornacators fleeing to Texas or…..

    Any Shitholers fleeing to any Utopias….

    First thing they want to do….

    Is change utopia in “Home Sweet Shithole Home.”


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