Politico Explores Rural America for Answers – IOTW Report

Politico Explores Rural America for Answers

Reading like some intrepid explorer for the 19th Century venturing in to uncharted lands, Politico sent a reporter to Wisconsin’s Pepin County to discover why they didn’t vote for Hillary.  The reporter found an enclave of liberal exiles from Minneapolis and never bothered to talk to anyone else.


The liberal interlopers, all found their fellow neighbors to be unsophisticated backwards racist, but nice.

16 Comments on Politico Explores Rural America for Answers

  1. Yep, it’s “Hillbillies in the Mist” time again. You’d better hope you local coffee shop is up to snuff. These juiceboxers can make or break your little towns in Conde Nast Traveler.

  2. First Garrison Keillor abandons their left-wing existences and now Trump….someone go warm up some croissants and open some smelling salts to battle the vapors.
    Oh, the humanity.

  3. I run into these artsy liberals all over Northern Wisconsin. Door County is filled with them and they’re scattered all over the northwoods. Remember the lady on the airplane the other day, spitting image of these northern elitist goofs and their intellectual art.

  4. Yeah. That article is wicked long, unnecessarily. Hippies move to bucolic country and fuck
    It up.
    I saw a bumper sticker in the parking lot at a Dave Brat fundraiser that sums up the current political environment.


    Who needs to the hassle? I’ve had countless yard signs and Gadsden flags vandalized. Quietly go about your business and if the left acts out arrest and prosecute to the max.

  5. Oh, the old “everyone who voted for Trump is a hater” routine. I guess it’s true. I hate pompous leftist shit heads who think they are smarter than me, when I have them by more than twenty IQ points and read more than they do. Yep, I’m a hater alright.

  6. “I could ask them, ‘Why did you vote for Trump?’” Zick said. “Then what would I do about it?”

    “You don’t want to make them mad,” Carlson said.

    Yes, liberal douche, I see every night on Teevee those awful Trump supporters rioting in the streets, smashing windows, starting fires, and assaulting cops.

  7. Thing that really pisses me off is the big cities have been ruined by decades of liberal control, so the liberals have been fleeing to the rural areas, and are now in the process of ruining them with their stupid voting patterns. You made your beds now sleep in them!

  8. Same thing happened to the South Jersey Shore – Cape May County and Atlantic County. Fucking leftist Shoobies from Philthydelphia couldn’t handle how fucked up they’d made the suburbs outside Philly so they sold their tract home sheetrock shitboxes and moved to the seashore islands, forcing out the multi-generational islanders who could no longer afford the skyhigh property taxes. Thanks a lot, you Scrapple-eating, cheesesteak-fucking Shoobies.

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