POLL: Obama thinks he could’ve beaten Trump to win THIRD TERM! – IOTW Report

POLL: Obama thinks he could’ve beaten Trump to win THIRD TERM!

Take the POLITOPINION POLL – Do you think Obama could’ve…

beaten Trump? TAKE THE POLL HERE

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39 Comments on POLL: Obama thinks he could’ve beaten Trump to win THIRD TERM!

  1. As Barry continues to belly-ache about President Trump, it would be deserved for Barry to receive an “I won” in reply. I doubt that Trump would do this, as he’s got more class than Barry ever did.

    And I periodically hear that Mooch is being prepared to run for President in 2020. Hahahahaha!!!!!! Maybe just slow news these days.

  2. No Way

    He did try and failed….
    “”I will consider it a personal insult — an insult to my legacy — if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote.” – . Obama

  3. I would love Trump to tell Bathhouse Barry after the swearing in, “no you cant ride back with me in the limo. You LOST Deal with it, bitch. Call a cab. AND YOU cannot use Air Force One to travel home. Go commercial, and leave the Secret Service behind. I am cancelling your coverage effective immediately, pending majority approval in Congress.”

  4. Aggie December 27, 2016 at 2:10 pm

    No Way

    He did try and failed….
    “”I will consider it a personal insult — an insult to my legacy — if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote.” – . Obama

    And we did as you asked, we voted and you lost! Now go play golf in the desert some where.

  5. @oldgeezer — Actually, he wouldn’t have won. There were so many disaffected people in his base who have since come out very vocally about how disappointed they were/are with him.

    What this “community organizer” grifter is really trying to communicate is his gargantuan pathological narcissism — he honestly believes he could have carried the entire Left message in the pitch perfect way that only he could. It comes from living in that unique bubble he and mooch have devised for themselves.

  6. I really believe this is in fact NOT aimed at Trump, but rather at Hillary. Knowing the two families do not get along at all, this is Obama taking another swipe at “you’re likable enough” Hillary. He just can’t help himself – and it’s obvious he enjoys it. Trump and “could have…” fantasies are beside the point; this is all about the left eating their own. Love it.

  7. Being able to vote should be tied to having a job, owning property or at least doing community service.
    And community service for anybody receiving EBT.
    That right there would fix a lot of stupid stuff.

  8. Trump benefitted from the fact that there were a lot of Democrats that could not stomach the lying felon, Hillary. If BO had run I know Michigan would have went with him…we’re that stupid. (Myself excluded)

  9. He’s already in his third term in his own mind. That’s why he’s setting up shop in DC. Well, that and he wants to install Mooch as Shadow Senator from DC in 2018. That’s all we need: A Shadow Senator and a Shadow President. Although I don’t believe it will work out as well as Barky thinks.

  10. He did not even actually win either of his terms. He was placed into office. After seeing how much voter fraud/ election fraud happened in this past election, the only reason Hitlery ClitTon did not “win” is because the vast majority of Americans voted to end the Regressive Progtard policies (Monster Vote). He would not have stood a snowballs chance in hell against Trump.

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