Positively Filth Street – IOTW Report

Positively Filth Street

You got a lotta nerve…

22 Comments on Positively Filth Street

  1. It’s one thing to be a dipshit and not see yourself for who you really are but when everyone in your click is a dipshit and everyone in that click fails to see the others for the dipshits that they are…….

    Well, it just brings a new meaning to the word dipshit!!

  2. I hope this “recount” nonsense convinces Trump it’s always a mistake to give the left an even break. He should never extend his hand to them again unless he has a very large club in it.

  3. Hilary, you fooking whore.
    How dare you raise your unwashed head, you crazy cat lady that cats cannot stand. Go back to your primordial ooze and devolve into something more acceptable to the world.
    Something less hideous, something less craven, something not…this.

  4. Word is being quietly leaked by the Trump Team that Shrillary is still on for the special prosecutor when Trump is sworn into the Presidency. He has to strategize to keep Barry from the blanket option.

  5. judgeroybean, AMEN. If one state is recounted, then stretch it more… investigate EVERY state, every vote, and verify each and every one. Let’s pull the veil away and expose election fraud for what it is and who is accountable for it.

  6. Something was commented on in the video blogs….. If Wisconsin does not complete the recount by deadline coming up, then Wisconsin forfeits sending the electoral votes in, period. If this follows suit in Michigan, and in Pennsylvania, the electoral votes do not go to either Hillary or Trump. That still leaves the majority with Trump. So it becomes a point of asking, do the citizens of Michigan and Pennsylvania want their states dropped from the Electoral votes for Trump? I would hazard a guess NO. They voted for Trump, and I am sure they are seeing deeper into the cesspool that is Clinton. Food for thought! If Barky tries to pull a fast one to postpone the inauguration, then it becomes treason. He will be removed from office, awaiting trial. If any state wanted to hold up the entire USA from nominating and installing the duly elected choice for President, that would be the way. Not Constitutional, not happening. Any Scotus like Ginsberg trying to do it alone by court order would guarantee her end.

  7. Actually, as in Florida in 2000, the states have a safe harbor. The legislature can certify the winner and electors. Florida didn’t need to do this, but it is an option given by US Court.

    The reality is Trump will be the next President and there isn’t crap Hillary and Stein can do to stop it.

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