PP Tweets: “Dreams of a Magical Land Where Abortion is Free and Plentiful” – IOTW Report

PP Tweets: “Dreams of a Magical Land Where Abortion is Free and Plentiful”

LifeNews: The Planned Parenthood abortion business took the veil off of its pro-abortion agenda for just a minute on Twitter yesterday — and then promptly put it right back on.

Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda is almost always hidden well behind the clock of “women’s health” and “women’s rights,” but the world got a true glimpse of its abortion mantra when Planned Parenthood sent out a tweet yesterday. “Imagine “life in a magical land where abortions and birth control are free and plentiful” This place exists,” it wrote.

10 Comments on PP Tweets: “Dreams of a Magical Land Where Abortion is Free and Plentiful”

  1. Do they have “Free abortion Fridays” or something like that?

    BTW, I don’t set my tax dollars “FREE” to fly away to “PAY” for other people to exterminate their children like cockroaches.

    No, they forcibly “TAKE” my goddamn tax money!

    Free? You psycho fucks! Rot in hell!

  2. “PP Tweets: “Dreams of a Magical Land Where Abortion is Free and Plentiful”

    I think they [PP] means “Magical LandFILL”. Right?

    Because living there would mean being murdered before you have a chance to live in that glorious land.

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