President Cancels Assistance to Migrant Source Nations – IOTW Report

President Cancels Assistance to Migrant Source Nations

The president announced yesterday that The United States is ending all direct assistance to the Northern Triangle nations; El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras.

“At the Secretary’s instruction, we are carrying out the President’s direction and ending FY [fiscal year] 2017 and FY 2018 foreign assistance programs for the Northern Triangle,” a State Department spokesperson told ABC News, referring to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “We will be engaging Congress as part of this process.”  More

13 Comments on President Cancels Assistance to Migrant Source Nations

  1. This was a wise move.

    The money we give them is obviously not being used for the benefit of their people as was intended.

    If it was, their people (probably) wouldn’t be trying to escape to come here.

  2. U.S. borders need to be closed AND funding cancelled for welfare nations in order to effectively deter these invasions. Stopping funding only means the hoards of illegals will continue to rush the border. Their shear numbers are overwhelmingly.

    What most Americans don’t realize is in a generation, illegals by birth will become the majority and The United States of America will be unrecognizable. The Constitution will be compromised based on the fact foreign nationals who break our laws, have no regard for our foundational ideals.
    President Trump needs to to close the border – NOW.

  3. A step in the right direction.
    But emigrants will continue to go where the grass is greener. And as long as there are freebies here, this will be their new pasture.

    Take the next step- dry up the freebies!

  4. Something else we should be looking at is the number of immigrants who are on public assistance, but are sending money back to the old country. Think about the absurdity of us giving people welfare, Section 8 housing, EBT, SNAP, & WIC, health care, etc., so that they can send their wages back to their families.


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