If Obama thinks his record reflects a betterment of race relations, he’s more lost, sick and tone deaf than we feared.
There are black people intentionally interrupting working class white people’s meals in order to raise “awareness” that spectacular citizens like Freddie Gray and Michael Brown and Benny Beige (he’s next, no?) have left us.
“Can’t I just want to eat my waffle?” – Barack Obama
Entire neighborhoods are being smashed and looted and burnt, by people who cannot spell “smashed, looted and burnt” (see: I can’t breath) because they think Michael Brown had his hands up pleading “don’t shoot.”
“The police acted stupidly.” – Barack Obama
No, Odumbbell, race relations are horrible right now because the conversation you and Holder shouldn’t have feared having is that black people are going to have to stop blaming everything in the universe except themselves.
Stay in school, don’t drink or do drugs, don’t have kids out of wedlock.
The biggest injustices that will ever effect your life are the ones you commit against yourself.
Obama: I Hope My Successor Will Carry On My ‘Racial Justice’ Legacy
Sure he thinks he has, if you consider that his baseline was Jeremiah Wright’s hate-filled, liberation theology, which he lapped up for 20+ years. His avowed “reality” is still far from the truth around us.
Anything short of Manson’s Helter Skelter is “progress” to that idiot.
Perhaps he’s right and has indeed made exactly the gains he has been aiming for.
He’s a liar.
A filthy, fucking, socialist liar.
This is the narrative dictated by the politburo and will be sung from coast to coast in every ghetto in America – and the ferals will believe it.
Gone to soon.
“Racial justice” is code for all crackers must die.
Barry pretty much fulfills anybody’s worst expectations you could have in a black community activist elected to a position beyond his ability.
Petty, arrogant, out of his league, unwilling to admit he’s outclassed he hides behind the skirts of Lady Liberty sticking his tongue out at the wolves he signed on to kill.
Disaster in a Can
On a bright note, the Nuclear Winter will drive all the immigrants south to the equator to be free of the ice and snow.
Insanely Solipsistic
I suspect he was only in Wright’s “congregation” to gain access to the “down low” club.
That is exactly what he calls progress. Look for next summer to be wild and crazy, just in time for martial law and cancelled elections.
You left out several adjectives… but I feelz ya. 😆
“Social Justice’ means ‘white genocide’ in Ebonics.
The South shall rise again… and maybe some of ya’ll yankees will join us this time.
Send em on down. We’ve got plenty of swampland that needs feedin’.
This is the most pathetic attempt of playing holier than thou I’ve ever seen. The only thing this video proves is how desperate white people are. Shameless racist scumbags. We all know Michelle is all woman. A fine one at that. You people are the same ones whos think Bruce Jenner is really a woman. You shameless mother fcukers aren’t going to hell when you die. You will simply cease to exist..period.
Why won’t Congress impeach him?
Because he’s done nothing that warrants impeachment.
How many years has Obama set back race relations?
I’m going to say “zero”
Is Barack Obama destroying America?
No. Republicans are doing that.
Is Barack Obama a Muslim?
No. He’s a Christian.
Why does Barack Obama hate America?
He doesn’t. He loves it.
Is Barack Obama an Traitor?
Is Barack Obama a Communist?
Can Barack Obama be impeached for the damages he has done?
No. Because he hasn’t done any damage nor has he done anything illegal.
Is Barack Obama a disgrace to America?
No. But ultra-conservative Republicans are
You sound bitter and likely a racist. By most indicators this administration has put us in a better position. He has expose racism from people like yourself, so maybe you should look at yourself as part of the race relations problem.
Repuglicrats are loathsome, vile, effete, scum, every one of you.
This is the most pathetic attempt of playing holier than thou I’ve ever seen. The only thing this video proves is how desperate white people are.
Why won’t Congress impeach him?
Because he’s done nothing that warrants impeachment.
How many years has Obama set back race relations?
I’m going to say “zero”
Is Barack Obama destroying America?
No. Republicans are doing that.
Is Barack Obama a Muslim?
No. He’s a Christian.
Why does Barack Obama hate America?
He doesn’t. He loves it.
Is Barack Obama an Traitor?
Is Barack Obama a Communist?
Can Barack Obama be impeached for the damages he has done?
No. Because he hasn’t done any damage nor has he done anything illegal.
Is Barack Obama a disgrace to America?
No. But ultra-conservative Republicans are
You sound bitter and likely a racist. By most indicators this administration has put us in a better position. He has expose racism from people like yourself, so maybe you should look at yourself as part of the race relations problem.
Repuglicrats are loathsome, vile, effete, scum, every one of you.
come up for air Barack
This is the most pathetic attempt of playing holier than thou I’ve ever seen.
Is Barack Obama a disgrace to America?
No. But ultra-conservative Republicans are
You sound bitter and likely a racist. By most indicators this administration has put us in a better position. He has expose racism from people like yourself, so maybe you should look at yourself as part of the race relations problem.
Repuglicrats are loathsome, vile, effete, scum, every one of you.
effete? really? I think not. You’re going to find yourself on the weak end of the election, and guaranteed you will not be happy. You will be effete.
Don’t look back Obummers race relations are gaining on us!
i thought they were all in Kenya
That cut and paste libtard propaganda didn’t work the first time you pasted it. Look up the definition of “insanity.”