President Trump Is The First President Since Eisenhower Not to Visit California in First Year – IOTW Report

President Trump Is The First President Since Eisenhower Not to Visit California in First Year

Breitbart CA: The Los Angeles Times points out an odd bit of presidential trivia as 2017 comes to a close: President Donald Trump could become the first president since Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower not to visit the State of California in his first full year in office.

The Times reports:

Trump is about to become the first president since Dwight D. Eisenhower 64 years ago to skip a visit to California during his first calendar year in office. And he doesn’t appear to have any plans to take Air Force One to the country’s most populous and economically powerful state before he marks his first full year in office Jan. 20.

Even past presidents who, like Trump, didn’t win the state’s electoral votes made it a destination, if only for California’s allure as the Golden State of campaign cash.

The Times notes that California might be a problematic destination for Trump in particular because the state has declared itself to be “ground zero” for the so-called “Resistance” to his presidency. State politicians have sued the administration over almost all of its major policies, and thousands of activists have organized regular protests against Trump in the Golden State, even taking over Hollywood’s vaunted Gay Pride festival for the purpose. read more

27 Comments on President Trump Is The First President Since Eisenhower Not to Visit California in First Year

  1. I live here in a county that voted for Trump. Why should he visit this State when they hate his guts for the most part. He doesn’t like bad press and that’s all he’s ever gotten here in California is bad press. So, I rather he stay away and work his magic on ways to *uck Jerry Brown over and those who did not vote for him. He’s not giving LA $2 million dollars in grants to hire more police officers to disobey federal law. Now Jerry Brown is asking for billions due to the fires here in California. Trump knows that money will be spent every where else BUT on fire victims. I wonder how many liberals got their house burned down? End of rant. GO TRUMP! WE LOVE YOU!

  2. @Goldenfoxx, you are correct. Why would Trump visit CA and help their economy (all the ancillary benefits of having a head of state visit)? They think they can do what they want and not be a part of the country to which they belong. They want 49 states to bail them out so they can waste their money on illegal invaders.

    Now that President Trump has proven that he meant what he said, they are on their own. Maybe they will grow up…nah.

  3. Smart man – he is actually doing Southern Caifornia a favor. Obama used to visit SoCal, even the liberals hated it because the Presidential motorcade would snarl traffic for hours. And Obama was such an egotist, he once scheduled a fundraiser in Beverly Hills for the middle of rush hour.

    Any visit by Trump would be worse because liberals are such spoiled children that they would stand on the freeways to protest a President who has shown himself to be even-handed, and at times beneficial to California. Trump doesn’t need the aggravation, a visit to California would accomplish nothing, and ordinary citizens would appreciate not having the hassle.

  4. Is there some kinda shot they can give President Trump so that IF HE goes to California, his brain won’t rot? Conservative Californians seemed to have built up an immunity so we don’t have to worry about them. Liberal Californians, on the other hand, are spreading their brain rot disease everywhere they go. Can’t tell you how much damage they’ve caused the western side of Oregon. Would hate to see that happen to Washington D.C. or Mar-a-Lago.

  5. No Billy, sadly, they don’t still make B-52s. But they’re being incrementally upgraded on a regular basis. She may have a few wrinkles but dang near every bone in her body has been replaced. Would love to see her with 4 high bypass engines. But, have to agree with those in the know: Better to invest in B-2 replacement.

  6. He can come and visit us in the Great State of Jefferson, in the true northern part of California. We voted for him.

    Maybe he can help us in our quest to get away from the rest of the crazies in lower part of the state.

  7. No disrespect to those of you still living in enemy territory–I did it for years, and still have family there–but I’d be happy if President Trump never set foot in California for the entire eight years of his presidency.

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