Protests Could Cost St. Louis Thousands Of Jobs – IOTW Report

Protests Could Cost St. Louis Thousands Of Jobs

“There is no good timing for something like this and it will have an impact,” said Didi Caldwell, founding principal with Global Location Strategies, which helps companies choose locations for new businesses and expansion, according to a Reuters report published Saturday.


17 Comments on Protests Could Cost St. Louis Thousands Of Jobs

  1. That whole city needs a thorough exorcism. While at it, exorcise all the demoncrats too.

    That is the home of the infamous Dred Scott made by the subhuman infamous men in black robes.

  2. Losing jobs, Ferguson, Rams move back to Los Angeles were they are being ignored, U. Mizzou enrollment free falling faster than OJ futures in “Trading Places”. Yeah Missouri learning a hard lesson about leftist culture!

  3. “It’s a very delicate balancing act. Because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”
    Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Lyda Krewson

  4. The only down side of leftist cities going into decay, is that some of the scum that caused it will survive to infect other places. If they all went with it, there would be no down side.

  5. St. Louis don’t need jobs – the Feds will be pumping in $Billions upon $Billions to shore up another bastion of socialism from the effects of socialism.

    It’s all part of the false economy that keeps stealing $Trillions from those who work and shunting it (after a considerable deduction for the principle playahs) to those who don’t.

    Same old shit – different day – different Administration.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. All the jobless in At. Louis can go to Barbuda and rebuild it for peanut wages, so DeNiro the raging puss filled boil of a carbon based unit (IMO), can make millions off of a an investment there.

  7. I work often near St. Louis and I used to stay downtown by the arch often. For sure there are places you don’t venture, but there are some nice things to do there and in the metro area. Just stay south of I-70. My out of state conceal & carry permit is valid in Missouri.

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