PSA – Never Lean Down or Over Holding the Steering Wheel – IOTW Report

PSA – Never Lean Down or Over Holding the Steering Wheel

I had a cop friend tell me that many survivors of car wrecks say they lost control leaning down to pick up something they dropped.

Don’t do that.

18 Comments on PSA – Never Lean Down or Over Holding the Steering Wheel

  1. My friend broke his arm and wrecked his car the day after he turned 16, along with a parked car on the street. He claims he took his eyes off the road for a second to pick up a cassette tape that fell on the floor.

    I’ve noticed in my later years I’ve become less efficient at distracted driving. I used to be able to reach for all kinds of things and stay perfectly centered. Lately I can’t even so much as type out a 140 character tweet without nearly wrecking.

  2. ^^^@ecp
    Funny, but also a sad commentary at how bad it has become on our roadways in the past 15 years or so. I see way more unexplainable rear end collisions on highways than what I recall from 20 years ago. I also see way too many people staring at their phones being held over the steering wheel while driving at highway speed in heavy traffic.

  3. Jethro
    Been going down state to my son’s college lately to get a house in order for him. A stretch of road about 20 miles long connecting the campus to the interstate is flooded with all the college students. Every time on that road I fear for everyone’s life. The worst driving I’ve seen anywhere, from nearly all drivers. So many kids driving along with a phone in their hand while using some video app, and they don’t even try to do it on the DL. They hold it up, out the window, to the side, from behind, anything to get “the shot.” All while crossing lines down the whole road. A lot of them with beat up dented cars, you’d think they would have learned a lesson at some point. The most blatant offenders have excessive melanin, where driving isn’t even a second task, it’s like the 5th reason down the list.

  4. I have noticed that when driving behind a man, that if there’s a passenger he constantly turns his head to face them and talk to the other person. I never see this happen with women driving. And I look for this phenomenon. Check it out yourself. I can’t possibly be the only one to notice this happening.

  5. I’m glad they didn’t have Driver Cams when I was growing up.

    But I WOULD have appreciated the opportunity to see how I split the steering wheel in my Cutlass with my head and didn’t even KNOW about it till the cop asked if I wanted an ambulance because of the bleeding…

  6. Say what? FRIDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER 2023, 12:20 AT 12:20 PM
    “Remember when the rearview mirror was used for makeup?”

    I used to shave while driving when running between things because I sucked at time management and had to have no beard before I could start a Squad shift. I used a manual razor because the electric ones all had cords then.

    But I used a SAFETY razor, so it was all good…

  7. …back in the day the biggest risk was dropping a lit cigarette. Or having it blow back in if you didn’t flip it far enough out the window. It’s not so much the cigarette itself as it is the crotch it lands in or the illegal fireworks in the back seat that it blows into that causes the problem…

  8. geoff the aardvark FRIDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER 2023, 10:50 AT 10:50 AM
    “It’s a good thing that steering aren’t metal death poles like they used to be on older cars” time was after the invetion of telescopically collapsible steering columns and before airbags in everything, so I never saw an impalement like that; however, the worst I DID see was a gal hit a large cinderblock mall sign at 80 who hit the steering wheel with her chest so hard it stopper her heart (Commotio Cordis, pre-Vaxxx), but that was sorta lucky because it spared her the screaming agony of bleeding to death after her knees were rammed by the steel dash so hard it drove her femurs out her ass and pinned her to the seat, so there’s that.

    Actually though, her passenger was worse because someone took the knob off the stickshift lever at some point and the angle of impact lined his eye socket up with it just right, which is how the flight surgeon found him when we made arrangenets to get him there. Still technically alive at that point, but the doc decided there wasn’t much point for some reason (maybe the medal rod embedded in his brain for the last 20 minutes) and called it…

  9. Cate, it’s a human cultural characteristic. There are papers on the subject. Someone got paid to eff off for a few months.

    I personally think it’s because when women speak they value the interlocutor’s attention less in the dialogue than the expression of their thought. Men need to see the non verbal reaction to the conversation, just checking..

    As long as I’m going on about this, I think women developed and used language first, and most likely used it among themselves at first as well. Then some girl persuaded some drunk dude to try it out and the rest is history.

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