“Puritanical Progressive Campuses” Creating “Conservative Firebrands” – IOTW Report

“Puritanical Progressive Campuses” Creating “Conservative Firebrands”


Adam Hoffman, a Princeton University senior, appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” Friday to comment on his op-ed at The New York Times where he asserts that as college campuses lurch to the left, they are spawning a new generation of conservatives.

The “unintended consequences” of the radicalized environment at leftist universities were pointed out by Fox News host Laura Ingraham who noted it is pushing students to the right. Continues
Hoffman’s New York Times piece Here

8 Comments on “Puritanical Progressive Campuses” Creating “Conservative Firebrands”

  1. Yeah, I may have chosen the Republican Party sort of on a whim, (because I liked money!), but 4 years at UC Berzerkely just helped me firm my libertarian/conservative stance.
    Since I moved every year and had to reregister to vote, I always made a point of filling out the form at the Democrat table in Sproul Plaza. 🙂

  2. I wonder how big or prevalent this new crop of conservatives really are. It’s far easier to just blend in and be one in the herd but it takes a certain level of self-awareness and critical thinking skills to look around and question the prevailing orthodoxy.

  3. Wonderful. Left always destroys. It will destroy its own ideology if left (punny) long enough. The snake eats its tail. Anything that injures the left without injuring others is a good thing and to be encouraged. Go State!


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