“Queer Positive Christians” – IOTW Report

“Queer Positive Christians”

USA Today-

Lighten up, Ash Wednesday.


A New York-based advocacy group called Parity is asking Christians who favor LGBT equality — “queer positive Christians,” in their parlance — to show support by wearing “glitter ash” on their foreheads to mark Ash Wednesday on March 1.

Why don’t you stick to colorful glitter Easter eggs, then when you’re done making your ridiculous statement you can stick them up your wannabe vaginas.

Ash Wednesday kicks off the six-week somber season called Lent that leads to Easter, and is usually marked in churches with the color purple. Traditionally, plain gray ashes, blessed by a minister or priest, are smeared on the foreheads of Christians to symbolize repentance.

There’s no repentance in queerdom.

“This is a way for queer Christians and queer-positive persons of faith to say ‘We are here,’” said Marian Edmonds-Allen, Parity’s executive director. “It is also a way for other people to be a witness to that and be in solidarity with them.”

Why are you choosing Ash Wednesday and blaspheming the ashes? It just makes you an ashhole.

“For some traditions, it is true” that Christians are not supposed to draw attention to their piety, Edmonds-Allen said. “The ashes go on and the ashes go off — it is a private thing. But glitter ashes are still appropriate.

Says who? You?

It is a recognition of the reality of queer Christians in the world and the beauty LGBTQ Christians bring to faith.”

Beauty? There is some special beauty?

Traditionally, Ash Wednesday ashes are made by burning the palm fronds used in the previous year’s Palm Sunday service to re-enact the day Christians believe Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem.

And this is all about smashing tradition.

Parity is mixing professional makeup-grade purple glitter with traditional ashes. The organization will send glitter ashes at no cost — though a donation is suggested — to any congregation or individual requesting them.

I say we request them, in bulk, en masse, and bankrupt these morons.

The plan is to have glitter ashes available in churches for the asking. Regular ashes will also be available.

Oh, regular ol’ ashes, the boring kind, will also be available???  Thanks.


26 Comments on “Queer Positive Christians”

  1. Parity needs to run this idea up the moozlum flag pole to see if those savages will add glitter to their holy book of barbaric fiction. Why just keep this courageous showing of gayness to Christians.

  2. Yeah, I don’t know but anyone calling themselves a Christian — a follower of Christ — should take the warning of Revelation seriously: “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.”

    The Bible makes no mention of glitter “ash” to celebrate the beauty of something which, in part, destroyed the twin cities of Sodom and Gamorrah. This is a church-destroying, progressive reinterpretation of scripture. It is smorgesbord Christianity.

  3. I can just see it now…

    Father in heaven, the light of your truth bestows sight to the darkness of sinful eyes. May this season of repentance bring us the blessing of your forgiveness and the gift of your light.

    Grant this through Christ our Lord

    Oh, and forget the sins that have to do with sex….ok, we kewl? Glitter on Amen

  4. For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another,
    1 John 3:11

    Love the sinner, hate the Sin (perversion).
    Jesus will save the lost if they call out and reach for his all forgiving hand.
    I pray they will be enlightened by the Word of God and leave this sin.

  5. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4
    But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

    The god of this age is … Satan. No matter what you think it is – progressivism, socialism, narcissism, environmentalism – it all comes from rejecting the God Of Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob. Since they rejected knowledge of God, he gave them over to their depraved mind (Romans 1: 28-32 and 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).

  6. All proceeds exactly as foretold. Read 2 Timothy ch. 3. It describes end times professing “Christians” who possess a false face of godliness while denying the power of the true God-likeness they scorn (Romans 1:16).

  7. Ashes on the forehead isn’t Christian; it’s Roman Catholic.
    Sola Scriptura, sola gratia, solus Christos.
    Mary was just as much a sinner in need of salvation as you and I.
    Jesus (and Isiah) called out the Pharisees for teaching as doctrine the traditions of men; Roman Catholicism does the same thing.

  8. Roman Catholics are Christian so by definition are Christian Daniel 9:3
    Sola etal not biblical 2 Thess. 2:15
    The canon of scripture is a tradition of men: See Catholic Church Council of Hippo (393) and the Councils of Carthage (397 and 419)
    Mary was in need of a savior but was without sin Luke 1:28
    Tradition of men all churches not established by Jesus Christ Matthew 16:18

    IMHO, God Bless

  9. Tell you what, sparkles. You get some Elmer’s and some glitter and write MAGA on your forehead, show a little Trump-Positive. No? We have reached an impasse, then. Good day, sir.

  10. Frank, with all respect,

    “Mary was in need of a savior but was without sin”

    Is self-refuting. One without sin has nothing to be saved from.

    Fact: *ALL* have sinned and fall short of the standard of God. No exceptions, save Christ alone, the God-man Who indeed was without sin. Mary need not have been sinless herself to bear the Anointed One, and she wasn’t.

    Incidentally about 10 years ago I was having a conversation with a Roman Catholic and it got a little heated. She did say “You Christians believe…” in pointing out something opposed to what Rome taught. So it’s not just non Catholics who make that distinction.

  11. Frank,

    You know how the Catholic Church resolved the debate about the sinfulness/sinlessness of Mary? By coming up with the ex cathedera infallibility doctrine, also known as the “because I said so” argument.

    I’ll accept Roman Catholicism as Christian when then canonize William Tyndale. Perhaps you should read the bible, now that your church can’t forbid you to do so.

  12. How about the severely mentally handicapped people who are unable to sin. How about an boy that dies when he is 1 year old. Do they need a savior?
    Of course they do, but you cannot say that they have sinned.
    Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin as well, hence “Hail full of Grace” Luke 1:28

    Christian is a term used, in many cases, to describe a group of people, specifically non Catholic. Are you saying that Catholics are not Christian?

    Thanks for the respect, back at you
    Blessings to you

  13. Geeknerd,
    So all the rest of my refutations of arguments stand! cool!

    Since God gave us free will it is the Holy Spirits job and not mine to convince you to accept or reject the Bible.

    God Bless

  14. A careful reading of the cat-lick dogma shows that it actually says, “you are peter (petros -small pebble) but on this Rock (petra – big rock aka Jesus Christ) I will build my church (I paraphrase slightly).

    God could never have built His church on any physical human being because of their sin — hence no pope-a-dope stuff allowed.

    But I ain’t gonna start no war — believe what you will based on your discernment of scripture – God will sort you out.

  15. Frank,

    Two things, again with respect.

    1. Mary made Levitical sin offerings according to the Law, Luke 2:21-24. One without sin would have no need to do that but she did it. She sinned, as all have done.

    2. If Mary was without sin, the apostle Paul (who would have known that) LIED on one of the most fundamental facts of Scripture — all HAVE sinned because all have SIN, Romans 5:12. Your church’s doctrine automatically removes Paul from trustworthiness since, if Mary disproves what Paul taught about sin, then nothing else he wrote should be believed.

    That in turn removes Luke, as he was Paul’s companion who recorded Paul’s salvation and apointment by Christ in Acts.

    It also removes Peter, who solidly vouched for Paul’s apostleship in one of his letters.

    Remove Peter and, I need not point out, your church ceases to exist.

    You can’t claim to believe Mary never sinned and also believe Paul and, by association, Luke and Peter. Pick a side but one has to go.

  16. Not my explanation but it seems to be a careful reading:
    When Matthew’s Gospel was translated from the original Aramaic to Greek, there arose a problem which did not confront the evangelist when he first composed his account of Christ’s life. In Aramaic the word kepha has the same ending whether it refers to a rock or is used as a man’s name. In Greek, though, the word for rock, petra, is feminine in gender. The translator could use it for the second appearance of kepha in the sentence, but not for the first because it would be inappropriate to give a man a feminine name. So he put a masculine ending on it, and hence Peter became Petros.

    Furthermore, the premise of the argument against Peter being the rock is simply false. In first century Greek the words petros and petra were synonyms. They had previously possessed the meanings of “small stone” and “large rock” in some early Greek poetry, but by the first century this distinction was gone, as Protestant Bible scholars admit see D. A. Carson’s remarks on this passage in the Expositor’s Bible Commentary.

    Thanks to Fur for allowing this foolishness on a political blog.
    And thanks to and God Bless my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  17. we all were born with the sin of Adam- spiritually dead-
    We can be re-born spiritually by Christ’s death if called to repentance by God and the Holy Spirit.
    Mary-the mother of Jesus was a sinner just as I am needing forgiveness. Jesus who knew no sin became sin in our place.. use the ash for your flower’s-they grow better-I even use coffee grounds…. 🙂 peace <

  18. “Accept that Jesus is God, died for your sins, and rose again from the dead, and you are a Christian.”

    Only if works are not added on top of that in order to earn or keep or prove one’s forgiveness and justification–as the vast majority of Christendom has always preached. That work (whatever it is) removes one entirely from the realm of grace and places him under the curse of a false gospel (Gal 1:8-9).

    “For by grace are ye SAVED through faith; and that NOT OF YOURSELVES. It [SALVATION] is the gift of God, NOT OF WORKS lest any man should boast.”

    “NOT by works of righteousness that WE have done, but by HIS mercy He saved us.”

  19. As old Grandpappy used to say, “If the Catholics want to make an ash out of themselves on Wednesday, who am I to argue with ’em?”

    (Grandpappy was a salty ol’ dude, and prone to socially incorrect utterances…)


  20. grool with respect.

    Do you seek after God?
    If yes please explain Romans 3:11 “no one seeks God”
    We are apparently talking verbal absolutes with regard to Paul so you do not seek God. Nor do I by your logic. Either that or Paul is a liar.

    Luke 1:28 either the Angel Gabriel lied or Mary is without sin, it cannot be both. Which is it?

    Mark 1:5 “People of the whole Judean countryside and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the Jordan River as they acknowledged their sins.”
    So either every person in Jerusalem was in a line to be baptized by John(including infants) or Mark is a liar? Can’t have it both ways.

    Since Jesus was without sin why did he pay the temple tax? Matt 17 24:25 which was used for upkeep of the temple which included sacrifice. So since Jesus did contribute to temple sacrifice did he sin?

    Please give me chapter and verse that declares that Mary sinned. Presumably that would be a big deal to record, the Holy Spirit isn’t one to obscure the truth.

    you seem to look at scripture as
    either or
    have you ever considered
    both and

    Finally I would be interested in your thoughts on Matt 25:31-46 and if “believe” is a noun or verb.

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