“Racist” trees to be removed by Palm Springs, Cali mayor Moron – IOTW Report

“Racist” trees to be removed by Palm Springs, Cali mayor Moron

Oh, it’s Moon. I put an r in there by accident.

KMIR– Palm Springs Mayor Robert Moon said he plans on removing controversial tamarisk trees that line the public Tahquitz Creek golf course at the 14th and 15th fairways. On the other side of the tall trees is the the historically black Lawrence Crossley neighborhood. Some residents who live in the neighborhood said the trees are a symbol of racism and need to be removed. “It is a divider. It is in a way. It is,” said long time resident Carl Brenagh.

Trae Daniel has lived in the Crossley neighborhood for nearly 14 years. He said he believes they were planted before the 1960s with the intent of hiding the black community. “It’s not just Palm Springs, the United States was racist and you could not have a black community living on a white golf course,” Daniel explained.

Brenagh said the trees are frustrating. “You can hear everything, but you can’t see anything. Believe it or not people just didn’t want to be bothered with black people at the time,” he said.

However, no one can really prove why the trees were planted. “It’s over 60 years ago, so we don’t know. It was a different city 60 years ago,” Palm Springs Mayor Robert Moon said.

Daniel said it’s obvious why the trees were planted. “Why is there a row of tamarisk trees only between the black housing development and the golf course?” he said.

Residents said a big problem is how dirty the trees are. “There has been rats in there like I said I caught about 50 of them,” Brenagh explained.

Mayor Moon said the trees are a safety and health hazard and he wants everyone to feel welcomed. “If people feel that way, we take them out and I think we’ve gone a long way to perhaps making them feel better. Times have changed. The city has changed and we have a new council with a new perspective,” Moon said.

Brengah is hopeful the city will take the trees down, so residents can benefit.

“It would make it look better for us also and maybe have our home value go up, it would be great,” he added.

Mayor Moon estimates the project would cost about $150,000 to remove the trees.


Wait’ll their houses and cars and heads start getting pelted with wayward golf balls.  Wait’ll they get the pesticides wafting in the air. Wait’ll they hear the lawn mowers at 5 AM. Wait’ll they hear the golf carts and the cursing golfers. Wait’ll golfers walk on their property to retrieve their hooks and slices from their barbecue pits.

There’s a reason golf courses put up a buffer, and it’s not racist. Golf courses that have a direct view of the street are terrible. And people who buy property on golf courses are not always happy.

The residents will be demanding trees be planted as a buffer.


33 Comments on “Racist” trees to be removed by Palm Springs, Cali mayor Moron

  1. How Stupid are they, there are a ton of reasons you plant Trees around Course housing.
    The trees may have actually been planted to protect the houses from Wind & Sun not just Golfers.
    They probably didn’t get approval to Cut them from the City Arborist and many other Consultants, and used Race to get what they wanted ! It’s gonna be Hotter than Hell, they’ll see !

  2. Somebody notify Joni Mitchell, maybe that aging Canadian beatnik, she’s too old to be a hippy, can save the trees.
    They took all the trees
    Put ’em in a tree museum
    And they charged the people
    A dollar and a half just to see ’em

  3. “If people feel that way, we take them out and I think we’ve gone a long way to perhaps making them feel better. Times have changed. The city has changed and we have a new council with a new perspective”

    The oppressive weaponization of parking meters as a tool of the patriarchy terrifies me. And only a dog whistling NAZI would deny the deliberate offensiveness of legally defined “colored” traffic lights. These crimes against humanity blanket the entirety of Palm Springs. Not just it’s historically white golf courses.

  4. Usually it is the home owners that want trees and other barriers installed to prevent damage and the golf course or HOA fighting them to maintain their aesthetics. See something new every day.

  5. So the trees are dirty and rats live in them — so why not clean up the trees and kill the damn rats ? does that occur to anyone on the left?

    Tamarisk trees are mentioned in the Bible and are beautiful …Genesis 21:33

  6. Once again these moonbats can’t help themselves. They are mentally ill. They see “raaaaaccccisssst” in EVERYTHING!! They have no imagination that leads them to a different conclusion, like the trees are there as a buffer against wayward golf balls. Moron is correct.

  7. Tamarisk trees were planted by the Southern Pacific Railroad along their tracks to prevent the desert sand from covering the rails. You know, sand dunes. Probably why these were planted as well. Would love to see the entire neighborhood buried under one big dune.

  8. Did some simple research, the trees pre-date the neighborhood. Like your basic urban legend, it sounds true simply because it sounds true, not because it is or is born out by facts.

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