Rambo takes on ISIS – IOTW Report

Rambo takes on ISIS

Well, someone has to.

The Daily Mail

Sylvester Stallone reveals iconic movie hero will fight terrorists in Syria and Iraq in final movie Last Blood.

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9 Comments on Rambo takes on ISIS

  1. Or maybe, since he’s anti-gun owners, he’ll wear a tutu and leotards and twirl his way to some rooftop and lead a mass exodus of his Isis comrades in a free-fall.
    Knock yourself out Sly. I won’t pay to see anymore of your movies.
    (Freebie? Maybe.)

  2. Squirrel Nutless Rambutt? No thanks. This, from the HollyWierd Hypocrite who wanted the po-po to go door to door confiscating citizens guns, after his friend Phil Hartman had been shot by the Ex Wife, who had gone bonkers off her meds.
    Haven’t spent a penny on him since. Ain’t gonna break that habit now.

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