Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Becomes Taboo In Academic Community – IOTW Report

Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Becomes Taboo In Academic Community

The article appeared on PLOS: Online, a peer reviewed academic online publisher two weeks ago. Titled “Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports,” it described the huge (i.e. unnatural) increase in the number of  teens declaring they’re transgender as the topic received near saturation coverage in the media in recent years.

Rather than recognizing the achievement of one its scholars, Lisa Littman, for her success in publishing an article, Brown University’s publicity department withdrew its statement praising the paper this week and PLOS:Online is now doing a “post-publication review” of just how this paper was accepted in the first place. You see, while Brown can simply take back its statement, the journal can’t just withdraw the paper without undermining its own credibility, unless they can come up with a pretext. More

The message to other academics is clear, don’t question the politically correct orthodoxy on this subject if you want to keep your cushy faculty job.

5 Comments on Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Becomes Taboo In Academic Community

  1. Once again, truth be damned. This should be a shining example of why we need to stop transvestite reading hour at the local public libraries. The LGBT community and the Cultural Marxists want to destroy the nuclear family and the idea that there is a natural order of two genders by any means necessary. The earlier they can confuse little kids, the better as far as they are concerned.

  2. At the end of the upcoming seven day civil war, they will all resume their original sexual identities, and get a fucking job.
    Their first job will be bury their former political leaders.

  3. Well Brad,
    We will be extremely fortunate if it only lasts seven days. I see this continuing for years……

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. I’ve been saying this for some time, though I didn’t arrive at the belief – that many instances of gender dysphoria result from faddishness – utilizing PhD level information. I do also think some of these experiences are indeed real, but anyone who has been watching can see almost right before their eyes how it has grown into a hysteria, that media glorify it and activists seek to punish anyone who disagrees. People are pulled into a very sad spell.

    Some of these people, alas, are parents who, in my opinion, think anything labeled “liberal” is better, and so they follow trends, even utilizing their children. This is how we end up with parents of toddlers claiming their children are transgenders – and they are so unintelligent that they don’t even stop to think about their children’s futures, what a huge process it is and how they are making such a massive decision for humans who can’t even talk yet and whose behavior (boys wearing girls’ clothing, for example) is completely typical and age appropriate.

    My son had a “water baby” doll when he was smaller and he did play with it, perhaps because he already had it in him to love babies and children (which I only recognized later). That doesn’t make him transgender; it likely just means he’ll be a good dad. Also, he used to pretend drown the doll in the tub – which doesn’t mean he’s a murderer (according to that stupid liberal logic); it’s just typical of boys, as studies have shown when they give girls trucks and boys dolls. They’ll play with it if they have nothing else (or even if they do), but they are, like it or not, going to approach their play in ways that reflect their gender.


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