Ray Epps And His Unindicted Co-Conspirators – IOTW Report

Ray Epps And His Unindicted Co-Conspirators

This piece from “Revolver” is disturbing. It is a masterful deconstruction of the operation carried out to cause the January 6th breach of the Capitol Building.

While Ray Epps appears to be a field commander on that day, there are five other key figures who carry out important assignments that day. Their actions were instrumental in allowing protestors to enter the Capitol grounds and haranguing them into the Capitol Building itself. The FBI has yet to identify or seek any of these individuals. More

15 Comments on Ray Epps And His Unindicted Co-Conspirators

  1. “The trust of the innocent are the liar’s best tool.”

    Said by that big fat lib named Stephen King but it explains psychops operations like January 6, 2021 to a tee.

    Most people are still confused about what actually happened that day as well as on election day November 3, 2020. American history is being rewritten by these evil canals who are attempting to alienate us as a culture, as a social construct, and as beings created by a loving God.

    Do not be deceived: God will triumph and evil will be banished to the pits of hell.

  2. I saw two prison buses heading to the capitol on that morning it made me wonder what they were transporting that they wanted to hide. There is video of four small buses offloading people dressed in various types of MAGA and paramilitary gear at the capitol that morning prior to the crowd showing up.

    When the commotion happened I thought it was suspicious and it was then that I realized Trump was at heart a romantic since there was no security of any consequence present and he was dealing with deep state enemies.

    It was a case of ‘who gains’, in my mind, and it is clear the action was entirely to the benefit of the tyranny in place and entirely to the detriment of we the people. Thus, my mind was persuaded of who brought the violence about.

  3. I predict as the “Jan 6 Big Lie” falls apart that this asset becomes more and more of a risk and his fbi handlers will take him out.

    I wanna be the first to say “Ray Epps didn’t kill himself.”

  4. (In my best Gomer Pile impression) “Well golly, sar-gent! Iffin’ the Eff Bee Eye wants to know where to find this fella, Epps, and all the others, why don’t they jis’ walk down the hall to the employment office and look up their employment records? All their home addresses and sich will be right thar.”

  5. My question is if Epps is/was an FBI provocateur, then why was he ever listed as wanted by the FBI in the first place? Seems more likely that they would quietly “ghost” him! Hopefully if we gain control of the house this November we can hold actual investigations into the whole Jan 6th incident!

  6. Millie Weaver produced a documentary in this scandal back in February last year. Unfortunately it’s an hour and a half long, so very few people will watch the whole video. But the point is, that there is plenty of documented evidence that the DOJ does not want to pursue or let the general population know about. And needless to say, the establishment state-run media are lock step in seeing that strategy succeed.


  7. @Joe Squid
    JANUARY 7, 2022 AT 8:50 PM
    “My question is if Epps is/was an FBI provocateur, then why was he ever listed as wanted by the FBI in the first place.”

    In order for this operation to be successful, the number of people who knew about it had to be restricted. Low level FBI field agents wouldn’t have known, so just included Epps with all the rest of the wanted. Until the higher ups pulled the plug.

  8. I fail to see why Trump should have done anything to stop it, as all the asshole liberals and some RINOs are shouting.

    Trump did not start or instigate the riot. In fact, I think he told them the night before to be strong but not violent, but someone correct me if I am wrong. Stopping the riot was the job of the Capital Police. It should have been the mayor of DC who told the rioters to back off – the mayor has jurisdiction over the DC police dept., not the President.

    The liberals are telling whoppers. The orders have probably come down from the most murderous force in history – the globalists. Lie, coverup, and cheat is what they do.

    It’s preposterous that a riot led by FBI plants and antifa punks is now called an insurrection against the US and blamed on Trump.

  9. Trump was still President on Jan. 6, 2021. It defies logic and reason that he would orchestrate an insurrection against his own government.

    Biden and the liberals are selling a crock of BS.

  10. It was obvious that this was a false flag setup from the beginning. People should’ve never gone to that thing. It was so obvious that they planned to set up a false narrative, and the FBI and leftist thugs are really good at that thing. It was a pointless action because the theft already succeeded, and it did so because the GOP was in on scamming Trump out of office as much as the democrats were. These people in DC are total filth. Never get into their sights, ever. Better to find clever was to ignore and resist covertly. But if your goal is just to have viral video out there of you looking radical, then you’re probably a dumbass anyway, and there is no helping you.

  11. @timbucktoo, you & your fellow cult members are the only ones that believe the crap you spiel. They, the public know what happened that day, all his followers & supporters followed his words to fight like hell. 2 spins with a twist is not working.

  12. @The Obsolete Man January 7, 2022 at 6:57 pm

    > Do not be deceived: God will triumph and evil will be banished to the pits of hell.

    So all you Coourageous(TM) Patriots(TM) can just keep lolling in the La-Z-Boys. And throwing, oh… so… much, money. To buy those that call you “enemy” more bullets. And sammiches. While they kill your neighbors. Your own children.

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