Reader Poll: Who’s More Deranged: Alec Baldwin or Jim Carrey? – IOTW Report

Reader Poll: Who’s More Deranged: Alec Baldwin or Jim Carrey?

One could argue that the greatest actors and comedians are all damaged people in some way.
Since the election of Donald Trump, a number of celebrities have seemed to have  lost their minds, but two have really stood out for their consistently deranged behavior; Alec Baldwin and Jim Carrey.

So I leave it up to you the reader to decide who is the bigger basket case since the election. Is it Baldwin, Carrey or some other famous person who’s gone furthest off the deep end?

40 Comments on Reader Poll: Who’s More Deranged: Alec Baldwin or Jim Carrey?

  1. Alec Baldwin is kind of using his derangement to be invited on TV shows, so he actually makes more money.
    Jim Carrey’s derangement is so creepy no one is even letting him on their TV shows. He is becoming more hermitized. That seems more deranged to me.

  2. Baldwin has an over-inflated ego and most likely an anger management issue. Carey, on the other hand, looks like he has a borderline personality disorder and might be bipolar/manic depressive. Sure, Alec has a messed up personal life, but based on Carey’s artwork alone, Jim wins the prize trip to Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA.

  3. Hate both of them, but Baldwin seems extraordinarily vile while Carrey seems to be just plain nuts and needs professional help. Baldwin is beyond help or redemption. Plenty of other obnoxious actors lately

  4. So there are people out there who pay enough attention to either of them to comment?

    For that matter any of “our betters” in Holeywood or the left in general???

    Believe it’s nothing but a glorified circle jerk where they compete on who can be more obnoxious and/or tell each other how great they are…

  5. Who’s More Deranged: Alec Baldwin or Jim Carrey?

    Would you rather have your foot bitten off by a mako shark or a tiger shark?

    This is commonly referred to as the “distinction without a difference” fallacy.

  6. Baldwin…and it’s gotta kill Him knowing His Brothers a

    Conservative….As far as Carrey goes…He’s Canadian…He needs

    to get His own House in order…The only decent Canadian is

    SCR North….I’ve already contacted Amnesty Intl’…

    We plan a daring rescue at Dawn.

  7. @Richard P: It’s a good thing Ashley Judd is well beyond her fertile years. Can you imagine if she ever mated with either of these two, the satanic evil that might be unleashed on the world!!!

  8. Jim Carrey: Overpaid Gurner, knows he’s a bit off, Mr. Trump sent him over the edge. Not a far drive. He is the least deranged, or the person whose sanity was moved less notches in the raving lunacy scale.
    Alec Baldwin: Fancies himself smarter and saner than the rest of us. He has traveled far on his journey to derangement. He surpasses Carrey as the most unhinged.
    In a post EMP world they both would rate above mice in the walls by virtue of their barter goods alone

  9. Baldwin is a vile bully, but Carrey is certifiably a loon. Carrey probably has less self control and more likely to do something bizzare because Trump is President.

  10. I’ve been concerned about Carrey’s mental state ever since he traded a van that was shaped like a dog for a tiny motor scooter

    Just when you think Carrey cant get any dumber …

  11. Carrey seemed like a pretty sane person back in 1994, when Dumb and Dumber came out. But being a top dog in Hollywood seems guaranteed drive you out of your mind

  12. @Redgrandma:

    Jim Carrey has creeped me out since Fire Marshall Bill from In Living Color. That is the real face of Jim Carrey.

    Ah, that explains it. I always thought his Fire Marshall character, indeed very creepy, was simply a display of skilled acting. You just made me realize he was just being himself.

  13. @Richard P June 29, 2018 at 2:49 pm

    > While Baldwin (Baldloser?) is certainly pretty far gone, one cannot ignore Shia LeBoef or Ashley Judd.

    Here. Hold my beer.

  14. Equally deranged. But Baldwin appears to be more dangerous & has a longer record of residence in deranged-land. However, Robert DeNiro has jumped border to hoist his own banner, doing it so rapidly the vacuum sucked Peter Fonda in with him.

    There are so many of them now someone with have to plagiarize the title of one of Hillary’s books, “Hard Choices”, to list and rank them all.

  15. Alec deserves a Dog bowl, and a swift kick in the Ass. Carrey however is developing the disjointed thought patterns that can give one the Ultimate Hollywood Stardom.

  16. I think Carrey is a function of the Hollywood system that surrounds the money makers with sycophants, suckups and nobody to tell him no. Add drugs, liquor and strange women and you have somebody mentally collapsing as Carrey has done. With help (lots of it) he might be able to come back. Baldwin on the other hand comes by his insanity naturally. Anyone who would abuse his kid like he did has no honor nor knows any boundaries and as such is more dangerous.
    @bCattin; thanks for the compliment but up here we’re getting ready to destroy the Liberals having already destroyed the Ontario Liberal Party in the recent election. Having said that you and the lads are welcome to come up anytime. I’ll have the Screech uncapped and ready to pour.


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