“Remember The Titans” High School Could Be Named For A Crackhead, Election Stealer Or RBG – IOTW Report

“Remember The Titans” High School Could Be Named For A Crackhead, Election Stealer Or RBG

Daily Wire

T.C. Williams High School, well known for its prominent role in the popular Disney film “Remember The Titans”, could soon be renamed as “Kamala Harris High School.” 

In November, the Alexandria City School Board voted unanimously to remove Williams’ name due to his support of segregation while serving as superintendent of the Alexandria, VA, school system. According to the school, Williams was a “staunch segregationist whose views could not have been more inconsistent with the vibrant, diverse and inclusive place we know today.” More

18 Comments on “Remember The Titans” High School Could Be Named For A Crackhead, Election Stealer Or RBG

  1. Side bar about T. C. Williams High School:

    In the early 1960s, Alexandria VA had three high schools. George Washington was predominantly white. I mean really predominantly: maybe 10 black kids out of somewhere near 2,000 students. I went to Francis C. Hammond, with racial makeup similar to GW’s. Parker Gray was the black kids’ high school. Just reverse the numbers from Hammond or GW and you’d describe Parker Gray.

    In marches school desegregation. Alexandria poobahs looked at busing and, fortunately, said Hell No. Their solution was instead to build one humongous high school to replace the existing three. Thus was born T.C. Williams which opened in 1965. It took a little time to close GW, Hammond, and PG and so I never attended Williams and graduated from Hammond in 1966. In my four hundred something senior class there were, IIRC, eight black kids.

    What few know today is that naming the new high school T. C. Williams was actually a poke in the eye of Alexandria’s black people and civil rights activists. Mr. Williams, Alexandria’s first superintendent of schools, was a committed segregationist.

  2. Even with a renamed school, the sports teams should still be called the Titans.

    In Greek mythology, the Titans were a gang of failed gods, offspring of Uranus and Gaia. When they got a bit uppity and tried to take over Heaven, Zeus threw them out of the house.

  3. Don’t ya just love how all the statues are removed, so many historical people are destroyed and through all of the purging Margaret Sanger gets a pass? Curious!


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