Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) – Fund President Trump’s Border Wall or Face Government Shutdown – IOTW Report

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) – Fund President Trump’s Border Wall or Face Government Shutdown

Big Government-

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, is threatening to shut the government down in the U.S. Senate if his colleagues do not fund President Donald J. Trump’s planned border wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

Mo Brooks, one of three major candidates in the race to succeed now Attorney General Jeff Sessions for Sessions’ seat, made the threat in a new ad set to air statewide in Alabama on television soon.  The rest is Here


8 Comments on Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) – Fund President Trump’s Border Wall or Face Government Shutdown

  1. In the movie “Sweet Home Alabama” the plane of the male love interest was named “Mo Fishin'”, and the gay black fashion designer asks “Do we know Mo?” Well, anyway, I was amused…. because I think that we now know Mo.

  2. Shit; I’ll move to Alabammy just so I can vote for this guy!

    BUILD THE WALL, DAMMIT!! It’s the main reason I voted for Trump.

  3. Here’s why building the wall – AND ENFORCING IMMIGRATION LAWS – is so crucial to our great nation. Imagine America is a bigass lifeboat. Imagine that the American people are the people inside the lifeboat and it’s seriously overloaded and in danger of being swamped and overturned by all the illegal immigrants inside our country. Imagine that all the wannabe illegal immigrants & Filthy Mohammedan Savage “refugees” are people clinging to the sides of our lifeboat, further endangering our lifeboat.

    Folks, it’s time to grab some oars and start bashing the fingers of the wannabe illegals clinging to the sides of our lifeboat and start using the oars to pry loose and chuck overboard the barnacle-like illegal immigrants already inside our lifeboat.

    Fuck ’em – let ’em swim back to their Third World Shithole lifeboats.

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