Repeating the lie that Obama was scandal free makes a candidate unfit to be the president – IOTW Report

Repeating the lie that Obama was scandal free makes a candidate unfit to be the president

Biden keeps running around saying Obama was clean and articulate scandal free.

You’re either crazy or a liar if you think the Obama administration was “scandal free.” Either way, you’re unfit to be president if you’re mouthing that horse shit as if it’s true.


List of just some of Obongo’s scandals HERE

ht/ marco

5 Comments on Repeating the lie that Obama was scandal free makes a candidate unfit to be the president

  1. Again, ads that write themselves. One half of screen with Biden spouting the no scandals line (in multiple speeches) and the right listing the the scandals off. Then have the Biden side go blank (or freeze frame) while the scandal side keeps running.

    Have three or four different ones with the same Biden footage but different scandals. Make it a game to spot all four. In fact, create a website that goes into detail on each of the scandals seen on the commercials.

    Make sure you get a patent for the process.

  2. Ocorpseman’s Gropey Dopey Plagiarist. Operation Crossfire Hurricane Blowback should put paid in full to this Big Lie right around the time of the Democrat Convention.


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