Report: Jim Jordan to Chair Subcommittee Probing into Politicization of FBI – IOTW Report

Report: Jim Jordan to Chair Subcommittee Probing into Politicization of FBI

Breitbart: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) will reportedly chair a select subcommittee in the new Congress to investigate the politicization of the FBI revealed by the “Twitter Files.”

The subcommittee will be called the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. It will give Jordan, the incoming chair of the Judiciary Committee, the means to launch investigations into the White House, big tech, and weaponized law enforcement agencies, according to Axios.

Republicans are touting Jordan’s subcommittee as a “Church Committee,” a reference to a 1970s investigation by Senator Frank Church that uncovered intelligence wrongdoing by both parties.

The subcommittee’s “probe into communications between tech giants and President Biden’s aides will look for government pressure that could have resulted in censorship or harassment of conservatives — or squelching of debate on polarizing policies, including the CDC on COVID,” the reported stated.

The creation of the subcommittee is a result of the speakership negotiations between newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and the 20 conservative House Republicans who originally withheld their votes from McCarthy.

According to a press release from McCarthy’s office Sunday evening, the subcommittee will contain 13 members, including five Democrats. more

16 Comments on Report: Jim Jordan to Chair Subcommittee Probing into Politicization of FBI

  1. It all depends on what the FBI has, or are willing to manufacture, against Jordan and any other non-RINO Republican members of the sub-Committee. The GESTAPO … uhh … I mean the FBI … knows it can count on the Traitors wearing (D) on their underwear.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m still taking the approach of expecting nothing. I don’t trust these people at least 200 of them voted for McCarthy with no concessions, including Jim Jordan.

  3. Preview of what’s to come for the next 2 years.

    Committees uncover illegal activity and informs America of the rot in Government.

    Findings of corruption will be referred to the DOJ and finally to the FBI, never to be heard of again (they can’t comment on active investigations).

    The only thing that will happen will be good “sound bites” out pf the Committee about the documented corruption. The Biden administration and media will deny and excoriate the GOP hour after hour for unending days.

  4. It would be hard to overestimate the pressure and stress that good man, Jordan, feels in his pursuit of the truth. I pray for him and everyone in the Freedom Caucus in their almost “Last Man Standing” position. God be with him.

  5. I would love to see all those “intelligence” officials who signed the letter that declared the Hunter laptop “Russian disinformation”, brought to some kind of Justice. You may call me a dreamer…

  6. I will not give up hope that we will prevail.

    How do you think the patriots felt as they faced the fight to establish our nation? You know they were outnumbered by the Loyalists and fence-sitters.

    How many of us would actually fight in the American Revolution with so many people telling us that it’s never going to happen; that nothing will change and we will never win?


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