Report: London Attacker was Convicted Terrorist with Jihadist Ties – IOTW Report

Report: London Attacker was Convicted Terrorist with Jihadist Ties


UPDATE — 7:46 PM EST/00:46 GMT: The man who carried out the London Bridge terror attack has been identified as 28-year-old Usman Khan, Metropolitan Police confirm. He was jailed in 2012 as part of a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange and build a terrorist training camp. He was also believed to have supported al-Muhijaroun, a militant jihadist network in the United Kingdom, reports The Guardian. Read the original article below.  

13 Comments on Report: London Attacker was Convicted Terrorist with Jihadist Ties

  1. If you take that bastard’s body and film it being fed to pigs, and broadcast it with the message that this is what will happen to every terrorist bastard caught and killed, this ‘Holy Martyrdom’ will stop fast.
    Sounds harsh, but eventually these sixth century fuktards will either release a pandemic or nuke a city like Galveston or Tucson. Then we will do a lot worse.

  2. What a shame. If only some insensitive coward hadn’t shot him dead, I’m sure he would’ve benefited from the Three Strikes Terrorist Re-education program.

    I think the Sauds tried that and Trudope proposed the same for Canadians returning from the “battlefield”. I haven’t heard of the recidivism rate, but I’m sure it’s a successful program. 🙄

  3. “believed to have supported al-Muhijaroun, a militant jihadist network in the United Kingdom”

    So they allow a known terrorist network to operate within their borders. Huh. Who would have guessed anyone could be so dumb.
    But wait…

    “Police spokesperson Marije Kuiper told the Associated Press it is unknown whether the rampage was terror-related.”

    That’s right folks, it DOES GET EVEN DUMBER!!

    This is natural selection in action.


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