Reports: Fox News Dumps Diamond And Silk – IOTW Report

Reports: Fox News Dumps Diamond And Silk

Fox News came under scrutiny in past weeks from critics who have questioned remarks made by primetime hosts Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, “The Five” co-anchor Jesse Watters and others who took issue on their programs with the severity of the contagion.

Variety: Diamond and Silk are no longer on the list of contributors at Fox News.

The offbeat duo, Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson, who gained a profile on Fox News Channel in 2016 and then worked on the company’s streaming-video outlet, Fox Nation, are no longer contributing to Fox News venues, according to a report from The Daily Beast. Fox News did not respond to a query seeking comment. More 

23 Comments on Reports: Fox News Dumps Diamond And Silk

  1. Must adhere to the official narrative or be banned from all media that has any liberals involved.

    That’s where we are and nobody’s doing anything about it.
    I suppose Bill Barr will begin investigating after everyone’s completely propagandized and it no longer matters.

  2. Fox has been deceptive for a long time, it pretends to be a “conservative” oriented news site while cleverly and subtly controlling the discussion to weaken or redirect conservatives so they are ineffective.

    And almost everyone falls for it.

    The Senior Partners are not stupid, quite the opposite in fact.

  3. The Lamestream, DNCMedia,Inc. are going to get an object lesson in how to “not let a crisis go to waste.” Does FNC or Fox Business think they are special and immune from a ratings crash? If we have to go all the way back to runners and pamphleteers to spread the news, we’ll do it. Let’s see Twitter erase or shut down the President’s account.

  4. Q – “How do you eat an elephant?”
    A – “One bite at a time.”

    Rust never sleeps – neither does Evil.
    Evil possesses most of the gov’t, all of the Media, most of Academia, all of Hollyweird, the Culture has been under assault since the early 1900s.
    I know it’s not fashionable to think in terms of “good v evil” – we’re supposed to think in terms of a neutral sort of ideological or political goals or in psycho-social terminologies – but the simple fact is that there IS good – and that there IS evil – and that the two are incompatible.
    We are under attack. A very real attack, even if an attack carried on deceitfully and surreptitiously and thinly veiled behind masks of politics and medicine.

    These two ladies always have something interesting to say, and say it in an entertaining manner – so what’s the problem? Somebody’s panties in a bunch?
    Sure as Hell isn’t Diamond’s or Silk’s!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. When Fox made the Ronny hating “Nanny State” loving Karl their #1 “analyst” over 13 years ago it should have at least been reasonable to say they were liberal.
    When they put the Ronny hater Paul on their Board last year their liberal/progressive bias should have been obvious!~
    but the GOP has had far left leaders for over 120 years. Read Barry’s book! A hard read but if you do not understand the Civil War that has raged in the GOP since the 19th century Barry details it. CONSCIENCE is 60 this year. but the war Barry describes – not in an interesting way – rages today!

    That the “Bakersfield Bolshevik” is the House “leader” is prima facia. GOP is still run by leftists. The “Rank + File” tend to be conservative. But the “elite” generally are lib.

    DISCLAIMER I voted for Barry in ’64; would do it again NO REMORSE

  6. I too am done with Fox. But remember, cable bundling fees mean no cable news network needs to care about ratings or even advertising rates.
    Each and every one, including low rated CNN, gets a guaranteed $1.5 Billion in annual bundling fees from basic-cable fees, whether anyone watches or not.
    That’s why they can afford to operate as low rated propaganda platforms.

    I don’t know why PDT hasn’t forced “his” deep state FCC to unbundle cable.
    With a la carte pricing, few would voluntarily pay for the left wing/LBGTQ channels.
    Al Jazeera, Univision etc would also struggle to stay on air.


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