Republicans are knocking it out of the park with some great videos – IOTW Report

Republicans are knocking it out of the park with some great videos

American Thinker: One of the fascinating facts to emerge from watching the back-to-back conventions was that Republicans have overtaken Democrats when it comes to visual presentation. Despite their lock on Hollywood actors, the Democrats don’t seem to have attracted much of the creative talent. The Democrat convention looked like a meeting of a high school communist club, while the Republican convention was a joyous, polished, light-filled vision of America’s wonderful future.

The difference in talent when it comes to creating videos and events applies to less spectacular events as well. When I look at my Facebook feed, which is heavily populated with Democrat friends from my travels through life, few of them put up any videos at all. This is not because they’re not political, because they are. It’s because they don’t seem to have anything floating across their computer monitors that’s worth posting.

It’s very different in the world of pro-Trump friends. My feeds, whether Parler, Facebook, or Twitter, are continually popping with superior videos that offer wisdom, humor, excellent video technique, and fun events. The GOP and its various entities (the Senate GOP, the House, GOP) as well as the Trump campaign itself, are also putting together tight, powerful videos.

I don’t know whether a lot of undecided voters ever see these videos. It certainly would be good if they would. Even if they don’t, though, the videos create strong rallying points for Trump supporters, helping them understand issues and reminding them why it’s so important to go, in person, to the polls on November 3 and cast their votes.

Today, I’ve got four videos I’d like to share with you. The first video pushes back at the Democrats’ recent efforts to tie Trump to the riots in the streets. Just to refresh your recollection, here’s what Biden had to say:

And now we have to stand against violence in every form it takes. Violence we’ve seen again and again and again, of unwarranted police shooting, excessive force, seven bullets in the back of Jacob Blake. Knee on the neck of George Floyd, killing of Breonna Taylor in her own apartment, violence of extremists and opportunists, right wing militias…

Biden’s mental frailty seems to have made him forget entirely about Antifa and Black Lives Matter. This video from Team Trump might remind him:

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6 Comments on Republicans are knocking it out of the park with some great videos

  1. The guy singing and twirling to the beat of YMCA was pretty cool. There’s no doubt we have the enthusiasm edge over REgressives big time.

    Disturbingly the video opened with your typical low IQ knee-grow sucker punching some guy just standing there.

  2. LCD got it right. The left is bereft of material.

    They’re a one trick pony: Rage – in all of its various forms and related descriptions and manifistations.

  3. I’ve been watching the continuing count on the #WalkAway YT channel. They should limit the length of what gets posted because some of them are nearly a half hour long, and sound more like a therapy session but, oh well, at least they’re leaving the ‘plantation’.

    One theme that is often repeated in these folk’s awakening monologue is the flim-flam claims made by Hollywood celebs on behalf of the Communist Democrats. Many are suddenly realizing how disqualified a multi-million income, insular elitist who knows nothing about the constitution and the lives of ordinary Americans, are.

  4. There is an age gap in the age demographic that is not being talked about. The old fart generation that have been – or became conservative is the first group.

    The second are the Gen-Zs that you see in this vid. They know what a bunch of whiny assholes most of the millennials are and are not afraid to let them know. They also know antifa/blm are a false front for marxists funded by coastal elites that are a minority. If the future belongs to the young then it will be conservative.


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