Restaurant Owner Defends Throwing Out Sarah Sanders Because She Has Gay Employees – IOTW Report

Restaurant Owner Defends Throwing Out Sarah Sanders Because She Has Gay Employees

Red Hen owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, said she stood in solidarity with her gay employees and tossed Sarah Sanders out of her restaurant because of the ban of transgenders in the military.

Off topic-

Whenever I read about gays and transgenders I can’t help but think through the illogic of the entire scene.

When a male starts diddling with the same sex they are homosexual. At some point a gay guy who starts to believe they are transgender has to transition in their mind that they are no longer homosexual. If they are a woman, like they claim, they are straight when they have sex with a man.

If the “woman” has a penis, what does it make their sexual partner? They are gay, no? So a transgender is the straight one while their partner is gay.

If a transgender has sex with a transgender, what’s that?

You see, in 2018, we’re the confused ones, the transgenders are mentally sound.


21 Comments on Restaurant Owner Defends Throwing Out Sarah Sanders Because She Has Gay Employees

  1. So we know that she and her crew
    will do unacceptable things to any
    customer they deem to “not be on
    their side”. Does that include spitting in your food or wiping
    your steak on the floor? I don’t know
    and I would not eat there to find out.

  2. Donald Trump’s policy on transgenders in the military is just a return to Pre-Obama status. So will this dingbat also kick out anyone from Obama’s first term, as well as anyone from the Bush, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, and Carter administrations ?

  3. Becoming sexually aroused by another man makes you a sodomite. You can put lipstick on but you’re still a sodomite. Sorry but you just can’t wish yourself otherwise no matter how many other disturbed morons you have sharing your fantasy.

  4. I don’t recall Trump or Sanders saying anything against gays. lol.
    If you look at the picture of the couple with their son (all wearing pussy hats) I can’t tell if her husband is male or female.

  5. Yeah, yeah, yeah, now STFU and get ready to lay off half your staff, because no Conservative will probably set foot in your shithole restaurant unless a foreclosure specialist come to count the fixtures

  6. The other day BFH I saw this couple holding hands, at first glance it looked like a girl and a guy, a second look it was obvious the “guy” was really a girl going through transition or whatever the hell you call it. She still had boobs, but was growing facial hair and overhearing her speak, her voice was still female.

    I asked my husband if the one who still thinks she’s female is lesbian then why does she want a female trying to turn herself into a male? He told me there was probably a name for women lusting after a transgender.

  7. This will be another Kathy Griffin, “Trump ruined me” pity party. I am glad she is more concerned about the sexual lifestyles of her employees than being a responsible business owner. Not knowing or caring of where employees fingers/fists have been and that none of them are required to wear gloves in the prep and handling of food is not being a responsible business owner. May the Health Department be with you,,, very soon.


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