Revealed – How Doogie Howser Turned Gay – IOTW Report

Revealed – How Doogie Howser Turned Gay

Whoopi Goldberg told him when he was a young teen that she was going to have sex with him in ten years.

He went gay at the thought.

In fact, for a few years his pee pee was on a milk carton.


26 Comments on Revealed – How Doogie Howser Turned Gay

  1. Ted Danson’s been showering and brushing his teeth non-stop since ’93 when he finally stopped having whoopi with Whoopi. And now that I think about anyone touching her I too must go brush my teeth and take a shower.

  2. NO!. I started to come here from Drudge to avoid visions such as this and that BS Clinton married thing. Still surprising she was not even getting a h/t for starring in ‘Predator’. Of course her heroin addiction causing the lost of her 2 children to CPS the MSM never reports on. When they get close to that, she must deflect the issue like this. Code Word – Doogie Howser. WTF even then did you think it meant? Idiot,,, And NPH, please teach the lovely souls entrusted to you understand being raped as a child actor, requires some form of Mental Illness attention. Shame you never got or understood that.

  3. Only alien Star Trek actor who appeared without prosthetic makeup.
    Oh, Ted, you’re a handsome white man, what the fuck came over you?
    Couldn’t you have taken up something less risky, like rope free rock climbing?

  4. Shouldn’t she have been arrested?

    The sad thing is she and others were probably what caused him to be gay, she probably watched as some pervert hollyweird guy raped him.

  5. There are women worse than whoopie, think Ginsberg, Hillary, waters just to mane a few. Thank goodness I’m too old for that sex thingy. I would hate to make a choice between whoopie and a hangman’s noose.

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