Revolver: Darren Beattie and Tucker Carlson just became the FBI’s worst nightmare… An update on the Whitmer kidnap hoax. – IOTW Report

Revolver: Darren Beattie and Tucker Carlson just became the FBI’s worst nightmare… An update on the Whitmer kidnap hoax.

Revolver– Darren Beattie was graciously invited onto Tucker’s show and the two of them made mincemeat out of a degraded and corrupted FBI that is fast losing the consent of the governed. Tucker began the show with a riveting update on the Whitmer kidnapping hoax.

6 Comments on Revolver: Darren Beattie and Tucker Carlson just became the FBI’s worst nightmare… An update on the Whitmer kidnap hoax.

  1. There is an old Bill Cosby routine where he talks about when he had his tonsils removed. The doctor tells Cosby how tonsils have hand grenades and bazooka to protect the body, but in his case, his tonsils “have lost the war. In fact they have gone so far as to join the other side.”

    Tucker says that we need the FBI. Honestly, the FBI has joined the other side. The are beyond redemption. We need to disband them and start from scratch with safeguards put in place from the beginning.

  2. @OldCoot — Yes, the Democrats have always had a goon squad. I’d still like to know who delivered all those pallets of bricks throughout the cities which were attacked, burned and looted by BLM and antifa. No one at the FBI has ever taken an interest in those suspicious activities either.

  3. The FBI must have an easy job investigating their very own phony crimes. No threats of being shot, or punched in the mouth and they can work right from home sitting by a keyboard. And great retirement benefits. Only they need to work on story structure and connectivity, so MSM readers can’t see through the giant holes throughout the plot.


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