Right-Wing Conspiracy ‘Insane’ — Left-Wing Conspiracy Theories, Not So Much – IOTW Report

Right-Wing Conspiracy ‘Insane’ — Left-Wing Conspiracy Theories, Not So Much

Larry Elder/PJMedia:

Democrats and much of the Republican-hating media call the Republicans’ election challenge dead on arrival and say the effort hurt Republicans in Georgia. If so, why the outrage protestations from the left?

Many of the election fraud allegations made by team Trump have been ignored or downplayed by media sources from which much of America gets their “news.” So many Americans know nothing about the legal challenges that raise questions about voter irregularities, mathematical improbabilities, questionable extensions of ballot deadlines and unsolicited ballots apparently illegally sent in Michigan, among other factual and legal issues raised.

Yes, the President Donald Trump-hating cable TV hosts, pundits, column writers, newspaper editorials and legal scholars prattle on about how these GOP congresspersons “undermine the integrity of our republic.” But many of these same critics said little about the integrity of our republic when, for the entirety of Trump’s presidency, critics made baseless charges, including but not limited to: that Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin turned the president into a Russia asset fraudulently elected to do Moscow’s bidding; that under the 25th Amendment, Trump’s mental state required him to step down; that Trump’s violations of the emoluments clause make him a “grifter”; and that our democratically elected president is a “fascist,” a “Nazi” and, of course, a “racist.”

Democrats and the media realize that much of the country knows nothing about the concerns raised by attorney Alan Dershowitz, who campaigned for Barack Obama, and George Washington Law School’s professor Jonathan Turley, who says he does not support Trump and he voted for Bill Clinton and Obama, and former independent counsel Ken Starr. All raised questions about the election, especially regarding Pennsylvania and how its deadlines were extended.

Critics hammer Trump for embracing election “conspiracy theories.” But many who now call Trump “delusional” for questioning the election have embraced some of the most outrageous conspiracy theories, without the believers being held up to public ridicule. These conspiracies include:

Seventy-eight percent of Democrats, according to an August 2018 Gallup poll, believed not only that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election but also that this interference put Trump in office. Our intelligence community reached no such conclusion.

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., falsely blames President Ronald Reagan’s CIA for playing a major role in the urban crack-cocaine epidemic. Waters even wrote a foreword for a book called “Dark Alliance,” that made this sensational claim. The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post, despite their contempt for Reagan, all disputed Waters’ assertion. The San Jose Mercury News, the newspaper that published the CIA-crack cocaine allegation, issued a retraction of the most serious claims. The reporter resigned, and later, at age 49, committed suicide. read more

8 Comments on Right-Wing Conspiracy ‘Insane’ — Left-Wing Conspiracy Theories, Not So Much

  1. As Buck said 65 years ag, “IF it wernt for double standards; the Press would have no standards at all!”! Bakersfield boy may not have gone to Harvard; but he knew what was what!
    how can you not like a man with a Red, White + Blue git?

  2. OT, Holy shit the color revolution is in full bloom. Trumps gone on Twitter. The same for all conservatives basically. Trumps last Tweet mentioned “GIANT VOICE”. Capitalized and italics. That’s the mass notification system for the military. I think I need an intervention. I’m not ready to give up.

  3. The continued fraudulent voting and counting in Georgia is what hurt republican chances in the senate runoffs. Complaining about said fraud is NOT what lost the senate races in GA. Perdue won outright on November 3rd and never would have even been in a runoff if it weren’t for all the fraud. No conspiracy theories here ….. just facts that are obvious to sane and honest people.

  4. You want a conspiracy, Here:

    Democrats start the wars that Conservatives volunteer for. As their kids patriotically join the military to defend the home land they get culled and maimed.

    Meanwhile, back home, the lefties criticize and become exactly what you fight against as their number swell from illegal immigration and government welfare paying women to produce more welfare recipients.

    That is the conspiracy that is right in front of everyone’s faces and no one sees it.

  5. If you think Trump is going to launch nukes on his own in the last 12 days in office, you might be an idiot fucking whackjob who should be removed from office.


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