RNC Credentials Committee Reinstates Missouri’s Grassroots Delegates for Trump After Unjust Challenge by Establishment RINOs – IOTW Report

RNC Credentials Committee Reinstates Missouri’s Grassroots Delegates for Trump After Unjust Challenge by Establishment RINOs


Last week, The Gateway Pundit reported that the Contested Delegates and Alternate Delegates from Missouri have formally appealed the RNC Committee on Contests’ decision, alleging severe ethical breaches and tainted committee processes. This appeal stems from the June 28th decision by the RNC Committee on Contests which has ignited a political firestorm within the Missouri GOP.

The RINOs in the Missouri GOP were attempting to remove the pro-Trump delegates elected at the state convention in May.

“The Missouri Republican Party must replace 54 national convention delegates and alternates selected at its chaotic state convention because of “alarming irregularities” in the process, the Republican National Convention Committee on Contests ruled Friday,” Missouri Independent reported.

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8 Comments on RNC Credentials Committee Reinstates Missouri’s Grassroots Delegates for Trump After Unjust Challenge by Establishment RINOs

  1. The GOPe schmucks came up with their own list after they “lost” the actual list of elected delegates?!? For cryin’ out loud, couldn’t they even come up with a more original, believable excuse like “The dog ate our delegate list”?

  2. Imagine if you will……..
    We make it to Nov. 5th.
    We make it to Jan. 20th.
    Without a black swan event.
    Good triumphs over evil.
    How many would be arrested?
    Guilty, complicit, or profited, from the BS over the past 50 years.
    Human/child trafficking, fentanyl, assassinations, falsifying news, MSM, Congress,……..

    However, seizing their assets, would put a BIG dent in the national debt.

  3. So indicative that the GOP is run by the uniparty donor class. Thank goodness the patriots prevailed.

    I see the fine hand of PDJT in this reversal.

    These same GOP uniparty twits want Bergam as VP so I’m hoping it will be Vance to once again send a message…

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