RNC Donations Hit 8-Year Low – IOTW Report

RNC Donations Hit 8-Year Low


Donations to the Republican National Committee (RNC) have hit an eight-year low, sources told the Washington Post on Monday.

The diminished donations raise concerns about whether or not RNC leadership is properly aligned with the party’s grassroots to counter an unpopular Democrat president seeking reelection.

Ten people familiar with the matter told the Post that big donors and small donors are not giving as much money to the RNC as they have in the past.

The RNC raised the lowest amount of money since former President Trump arose as the leader of the GOP, the Post reported: more

27 Comments on RNC Donations Hit 8-Year Low

  1. I ask them how my $$$ is going to cause their worthless RINO asses to grow spines & counter ANYTHING the left is doing, and quit spamming me.
    It’s pretty effective with the spamming part, haven’t gotten any answer from any of the rest so far.

  2. After the Dede Scozzafava debacle in a special election in ’09 I stopped giving money to the RNC, and I let them know why in no uncertain terms. Haven’t heard back from them since. Good riddance.

  3. My last check was sent before they nominated Juan (Blue Falcon) McShitstain. They don’t know how to win, and when they do, they NEVER keep their promises to their base. Oh, and Shit Romney’s daughter is the chair? NFW

  4. Ever notice that when they beg for money they don’t actually want to hear your views or opinions?
    That epitomizes their World view: take your money and screw you, your opinions, your aims, your desires, your philosophies, your politics.
    You are nothing but a cash-cow – a serf to be robbed, extorted, lied-to, and ignored.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Probably like many here, I get dozens of emails each day from the RNC asking where my money is. I’m not even a registered Republican any more because the choice is Democrat or Republicans acting like Democrats.

    The pivot point is Trump. Maybe these folks think Trump is too egotistical, too abrasive, not a team player, too blunt, etc. etc. Perhaps all true, but the current Republican leaders should look at the policies Trump advocates, his positions on various issues, his political instincts and his successful track record as President despite the overt and obvious attempts to destroy his political career. Conservatives don’t want “business as usual” or a uniparty whose only interest is holding onto power. We don’t want to focus on transgender bathrooms when the economy is in the toilet. We want someone to acknowledge that the US is the world leader and act accordingly. We want someone to look at the condition of American cities and recognize that the Democrat leadership has largely screwed them up. We want someone to acknowledge that our so-called independent press is actually little more than a mouthpiece for the current regime. We want someone who is proud to be an American.

    There is no reason to give a political party who doesn’t share our values money just because they have an “R” next to their name.

  6. Thankful that the RNC junk mail trying to hit me up for money has stopped. I donated to Trump’s campaign, I did in in good faith and got screwed over in the end. Never again now that I know which way he swings.

  7. She didn’t get fat on my dime. I thought it was worth the price of a first class stamp to tell Round Rump Ronna to go piss up a rope!

    Now the fuckin’ democRATS are sending me shit, but at least it’s postage paid return when I tell them to fuck off!

  8. I too was bombarded with Emails and mailings asking me to take the survey and bagging me for a donation. How did I put a stop to it? Easily. I returned one of the postage paid envelopes with a big FUCK YOU. It’s been several years now and not a peep.

  9. Instead of donating my spare cash to the RNC, I’ve decided to do something with a far better return on investment like, for example, wiping my ass with it and flushing it down the toilet.

  10. ANON

    I asked for refunds at least 4 times between ’00 and ’03. No direct response.

    But they hae not sent me aletter since ’03! That is suffcient response fo me!

  11. RNC is past its prime. It is just another grift like the communist party USA- I’m sorry, I mean the Democrat party, same-o-same-o. Washington state’s republican party will not countenance any direct opposition to the communists in power here, nor will they allow any investigation of voting irregularities to be associated with the party.


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