Rob Reiner Warns of Trump Coup: MAGA Supporters ‘Not Hesitant to Use Guns’
Anti-Trump actor Rob Reiner has claimed Donald Trump’s followers are “not hesitant to use guns,” and called for them to be stopped from trying to “overthrow the government.”
During MSNBC’s “The Sunday Show,” Reiner said:
“There was an insurrection.
“There was an attempt to overthrow the government.“
“Now to put it in context, let’s say, for instance, a guy goes in to rob a bank, and he fails.
“You’re still breaking the law.”
“They tried to rob this country of its due process and the election.”
“They went and tried to steal an election, and they tried to overthrow the government,” Reiner declared.
Wouldn’t that be fun…..
Naw….MAGA people just gonna wall your asses off in your big cities….
and let you play “Escape from NY”, “Escape from LA”, and/or “The Hunger Games”….
Enjoy….we’ll be watching you.
You should always avoid drinking drugged cool aide, Reiner is the perfect example. He can’t seem to stay away from it.
There was a reason he was chosen for that role and that he has been a failed actor ever since.
If the men who wanted to be left alone ever had a coup, it would be bloody and fierce. In case you haven’t read it before…
“The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”
@ Cheryl
I hope he’s right and they come for the traitors and meatheads!
Shut up Fatty!
Guess Rob is as paranoid as he is stupid. The disappointing thing about MAGA people is we don’t want to shoot anyone. After all we are not Democrat Socialist.
The more MESSNBC parades these crazy-ass lunatics across their stage with their feckless hype the more people will see how truly unhinged they are! Kinda funny how there was “an insurrection to overthrow the government” yet no one was armed!
Who’s been on a rampage to rob, rape, loot and murder foro the past two years?
Who’s been attacking the police and burning down our cities?
Ahhhhhhhhhh… certainly NOT Conservatives!
When the “government” uses the people’s decency against them, they will deserve all the grief that people who have been robbed of their decency can deliver to them.
Challenge accepted.
Thank you, that was fantastic.
Who said it?
It was not in my History Classes.
So, what is his point?
Correction, Not Meathead
Soybean Head.
“Dead from the neck up.”
Be afraid Robbie, be very afraid.
LoL !!!!
That’s exactly the way I feel. The leftists keep pushing us. They’ll reap a whirlwind which I hope to avoid. The anger keeps building, day after day.
California Governor Nuisance said he will apply the Texas abortion law to further gun control. The abortion law and future ruling to eliminate it have their source in the Constitution’s right of everyone to enjoy life and liberty, while the 2A affirms our right to purchase and use firearms for our protection. Both therefore confirm life over death.
There needs to be big push to counter the son-of-a-bitch. And beware, he’s preeming himself for a presidential run, probably 2024.
I assume that Reiner will be standing in front of those MAGA gun-owners saying, “You think I’m going to let you shoot these freedom loving people, you MAGA-heads? Over my dead–” BANG! Oops, sorry, Mr. Reiner.
I wonder how many Trump voters Rob has met and never thought of them as more than peons and servants?
You keep pushing people and giving them no out, then yes that day will come. Most of us are hoping for more peaceful means to rid ourselves of a tyrannical government though.
You can tell he’s not really scared or serious because he hasn’t made sure he’s armed and can defend himself yet. He’s just a hateful man with a mental problem.
Let me know when you acquire something shooty, poopy head. otherwise you’re just an agitator trying to start a fight.
You are like a chihuahua to me, but less threatening.
Old Racist White Woman DECEMBER 13, 2021 AT 7:52 PM
You keep pushing people and giving them no out, then yes that day will come. Most of us are hoping for more peaceful means to rid ourselves of a tyrannical government though.
^^^^ That is the bottom line truth. Very simple.
If he had Chinese finger cuffs put on him, he would fight them harder and harder not knowing he’s causing his own frustration with his effort and making it worse.
Wil Rogers never met you, did he, Mr. Reiner!
They are PROJECTING!!!!
They want a shoot-out: us, versus the feds, including male soldiers in dresses.
Don’t be in denial.
Ammo is expensive rob, and you and your kind just aren’t worth it.
We’re gonna let the jab do it for us.
At first blush it seems like a good thing that those who hate us are afraid of us, but the biggest problem with the Bob Reiners of the world is they run around like Chicken Little stirring up fear and reinforcing an “us” v “them” worldview. That’s not news, but there are enough paranoid whackos on the loose (and getting worse by the day) who have finally found their calling and are eager to run an SUV through a Christmas parade or take up a position in a shopping mall.
“Projection” much, Meathead?
(Projection…..attributing to others (mainly conservatives) the murderous/tyrannical/evil acts you would/want to do yourselves)
@kcir. The author is unknown.
“Rob Reiner Warns of Trump Coup: MAGA Supporters ‘Not Hesitant to Use Guns’”
You gonna stop em with people who ARE hesitant to “use guns?”
Something doesn’t sound right.
Is he advocating Gestapo-type tactics against a political party based on some paranoid suspicion?
Rob’s paranoia makes him dangerous – he should probably be sent to the nervous hospital.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
What a dick
The laughably pitiful Rob Reiner: gluttonous, all washed-up, aged-out, and couldn’t get a role anywhere if he paid for it while looking for any bit of comical attention anywhere the flaccid slob can find it.
Rob … Rob … you gonna lead the purge?
Grab your AK-74 and kill all the bad MAGA people?
The true American people?
I think you’re a bullshitter who’s too afraid to lead the purge and want the Gestapo (FBI) to do your killing for you.
Fuck off, Generalissimo.
Oh, yeah … Fuck Joe Biden, too!
And Fuck the fraudulent, traitorous “election” and all the traitors who perpetrated it.
Tell me something, smot guy, why are the nihilistic totalitarians so terrified of election audits? Can you put two and two together?
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Actually, I wrote that.
He’s still Archie’s meat head son.
AbigailAdams, lets lump everything you relate to in category, that category would be dumb ass.
Anonymass DECEMBER 14, 2021 AT 7:36 AM, sence you seem to be a know-it-all… if you could have a do-over, take the income from the 2 lives, you still couldn’t touch what he has made in one life. His retirement, his choice, idiot. And it takes a idiot to know a meathead.
He’s a Meathead and a Fathead. His head is almost perfectly round, like a basketball.
But his beliefs are much worse than his looks.
The democrat Anti-Second Amendment, preemptive make defending the constitution and the country against tyrants, dog whistle went out and the members of the Democrat NAZI Party are falling in line with the false accusations. Cult member making that claim are doing it for the same reason they call the U.S. a democracy. They want to make self-defense and the second Amendment illegal. As Hitler said – Spread “Das Grande Luge” and it will become the truth.
He’d better pray real hard to whatever he worships that this is not the case.
Him & his kind will be fast-tracked.
There are too many anonymous’s on this blog. I’m out. Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.
naw, we wouldn’t shoot everybody. If Civ War 2.0 comes to pass we’d only shoot all the Socialists – Communists, Progressives, Fascists, National Socialists, professional Environmentalists – traitors every damn one of ’em.
“Das Grande Luge”
No. You’re mixing languages.
You probably mean Die große Lüge – The big Lie