CA: Robbery suspect gets run over by victims, accidentally shoots himself – IOTW Report

CA: Robbery suspect gets run over by victims, accidentally shoots himself

KFI: We like stories about justice, and we like when bad guys are stupid and get busted.

A robbery suspect ended up shooting himself with his own gun when one of his victims ran him over with a car.

The moron had a few accomplices with him, and he’d just robbed 4 people in a parked car at at Denny’s parking lot in Hawthorne.

As he was bolting for his getaway car, the car with the 4 victims gunned it and ran him over.  He ended up shooting himself through the mouth and part of his face.

His accomplices tried to help him into the getaway car but ended up ditching him, leaving him on the ground unconscious for the Hawthorne Police to find.

Read more: 

14 Comments on CA: Robbery suspect gets run over by victims, accidentally shoots himself

  1. Bad Brad- Ha! I didn’t know that. I lived way north of you.
    I went to the high school where Some Kind of Wonderful was filmed.
    My sister went to the high school where part of fast times at ridgemont high was filmed.

    You were close to LA AirBase, right? [El Segundo]

  2. I call bullshit. I spent most of my life in SoCal. Covina, Newhall/Canyon Country, Playa del Rey, and El Segundo, and I know for a fact that California gun laws don’t allow anyone to carry firearms. Therefore, there is no gun crime in CA. If you live in CA and are evil enough to own a gun, they you have to keep it locked in a safe with a lock that can only be unlocked with a DNA sample, ammo has to be kept separately in a completely different safe, and if you want to take out the gun, you have to let the local police and politicians in Sacrament know 180 days in advance by a letter written in the gun owners blood, or you will be subjected to fines and a stay in one of CA’s finest incarceration hotels.

  3. If you haven’t watched the video at the “read more” link, you should! The cop being interviewed was enjoying the hell out of what happened to the perp, as demonstrated by the big old smile on his face when he was telling the story!

  4. MJA,

    I don’t remember much about the area. Although we were down in the Torrance, Long Beach area last summer and I was able to remember how to get around down there. I vividly remember the smoke pouring out of Watts. And the beach. We did spend a lot of time around the ocean.

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