A new play that has been on the stage in London, and is about to tour the rest of Britain, features a robot in the lead. “Spillikin” is about a widow suffering from dementia, whose late husband left her the robot to keep her company. More
RoboThespian has been around for years but this is the first time one has landed the lead, though he’s really more of a prop than an actor.
Heck, I remember the first time I saw robothespian.
He was the star of the original Star Trek.
I can see where this is going.
I saw the American version of that last year. It was called “Stronger Together”.
He will remain small capacitors until he bashes Trump
He can replace Amy Schumer on Netflix
The actress says “he’s very affectionate”. Sounds like she doesn’t know what real affection is.
I bet that’s the robo-jerk who keeps calling me up and trying to get me to give him my credit card information.
Was this guy in Lost in Space?
Is that co-star Angela Merkel?
@Uncle Al: You’re talking about Mark Hamill, of course.