ROOKE: The Deadliest Crack In Kamala’s Campaign Just Burst Wide Open – IOTW Report

ROOKE: The Deadliest Crack In Kamala’s Campaign Just Burst Wide Open

Daily Caller-

Vice President Kamala Harris has around 60 days left in this election to win over the American voter, but her campaign’s biggest obstacle just blocked her path.

The latest job numbers expose her fraudulent border policies and reveal just how bad her administration has been for native-born Americans in both the economy and illegal immigration.

It’s not a secret that the economy and illegal immigration are the thorn in the side of Harris’s campaign. Both issues have consistently ranked at the top of the priority list among voters for almost a decade. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) admit that there have been around 10-11 million illegal immigrants entering the country without authorization in the last four years. That number is just an estimate and does not in any way account for the millions more who come in undetected. more

19 Comments on ROOKE: The Deadliest Crack In Kamala’s Campaign Just Burst Wide Open

  1. No serious work on voting fraud is their backup hope to Harris and teams flaws.
    And if they take out Trump, there is no backup plan that is in place. Why put all your eggs in one basket with holes in it.

  2. Sure, she’s going to close the border, now that she’s got the voters she needs. You won’t see them in line with you at the polls, though.

    It’s a shame. PDT ran and won on this in 2016. He knew what was going on, communicated the problem to Americans, and won. They threw everything at him not because of tariffs, manufacturing repatriation, trade deals, tough on China, but because of the mortal threat he posed to their plans for the border. Nothing else mattered then, nothing else mattered in 2020 and nothing else matters now.

    They will kill him or jail him for his defiance of their border plans, because all if their schemes depend on that. So we can talk all day about how native-born Americans are getting shafted by illegals at the work site, pushed out of their homes and murdered on the streets, but in the end, these thing are features, not bugs for the Democrats.

    As long as their illegal minions’ votes can be counted in their column, whoever the Dems put up for election will win. The only little problem they have is faking their primaries, and it looks like they have workarounds for that.

    But if PDT somehow pulls off an upset again, be prepared to get punished hard. These people who would control us may be criminally stupid, but they are soulless monsters who will stop at nothing to fond their next new way forward.

    Apologies for the Sunday sermon. Everybody above me said it better and shorter, but this fact about the border cannot be stressed enough. It is the linchpin of their scheme.

  3. The Babylon Bee is one of the first go to websites first thing in the morning that I read. And they didn’t disappoint again with the headline, Kamala quietly asks aides if she should just try sleeping with the economy. How do you sleep with the economy and who’d be on top? Surely it wouldn’t be her because it’s impossible to sleep with the economy unless we have become like Rip Van Winkle and slept (schlepped) thru the past 3 and a half years not noticing all the damage that joey and she have done to destroy our economy.


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