Roy Moore Legal Team Fires Back With Compelling Evidence That Yearbook is a Forgery – IOTW Report

Roy Moore Legal Team Fires Back With Compelling Evidence That Yearbook is a Forgery

Roy Moore’s legal team held a presser where they said their client adamantly maintains he never would have signed his name Roy Moore D.A.

Here’s why – He wasn’t D.A. in 1977.

But their evidence doesn’t stop there. He said he never signed his name Roy Moore D.A. even when he was district attorney.

They have a compelling explanation as to where the D.A. after his name came from, though.

Moore’s assistant’s name was Delbra Adams. When she used a stamp on documents that required her boss’s signature, she would hand sign her initials after it – D.A.

Where would Nelson get a signature of Moore’s like that, you ask?

Well, that’s exactly how the signature appears on Beverly Nelson’s divorce papers that were signed by…. Roy Moore… and Debra Adams.


Now the attorneys are demanding Nelson turn over her yearbook for forensic examination.

Watch Wolf Blitzer ask Gloria Allred if the book is a forgery. Watch Gloria Allred not answer.


36 Comments on Roy Moore Legal Team Fires Back With Compelling Evidence That Yearbook is a Forgery

  1. Funny, Gloria’s client didn’t mention Moore was the judge in her divorce. Odd that this slipped her mind. Equally odd that she didn’t demand he recuse himself from her case — seeing as she was so traumatized by this supposed encounter.

  2. What a sorry story this whole thing is. This is a good lesson, if you see a future for yourself in politics don’t be in your 30’s and be asking moms for permission to date their teenage daughters. Nothing good will come from it.

  3. Again, the horse I have in this race is not Moore. It’s “innocent before proven guilty” that is at stake here.

    The left seems to have found a consistent strategy- accuse the right of things that can’t be defended.
    That some of our “important pundits” are believing the women this go round is stunning to me.

    Where are all the women that accused Cain of affairs?
    They left the planet as soon as he was ratf*cked.

  4. The whole thing is an orchestrated smear campaign. Even the lying crunt’s step son called her a liar, and I believe him. The year book was a joke. Did they really believe people would buy it? Is Allred that stupid?

    The judge should file suits against the accusers for slander. DJT didn’t take this crap.He threatened to sue, and that was enough for the accusers to crawl back under their rock.

  5. So if Moore were still a Democrat as he was when he first entered politics, (he switched parties in the early 1990’S) would the Left still be having a cow over this or would he be given a pass?
    Allred gives vultures a bad name. At least vultures have a purpose and perform a beneficial service.

  6. You can take a microscope and see the indentation in the paper, it if was 30 years old, and if the ink was also similar in age to other signatures around it.

    Gloria Allred should be disbarred.

  7. I’d like them to prove that the yearbook is actually hers from 1977.
    Start there, then move on to the next step.
    You can buy used yearbooks on amazon, or locally, in used bookstores.
    When I was a kid, an uncle gave me a baseball that Duke Snyder hit a grand slam with and had signed.

  8. I know it’s been beaten to death, but what the hell is she doing carting a yearbook around with her (an undergraduate book) months after she got it?

    I wouldn’t do that in a million years, especially at Christmas. I’d be thinking about…Christmas.

  9. Nonsense Women are always to be believed?
    I was unaware that women can’t lie.
    I was harassed, not charged with sexual harassment in 1987 or thereabouts. It was total nonsense. It was ginned up by a leftist broad that was a miserable old bitch.

    Funny. I ran into the supposed victim years after the supossed incident and it was all hugs and happy talk.

    But an accusing woman is always right. Even if she was a young girl put up to it by miserable ugly leftist feminist cunts.

  10. Nelson’s stepson is on youTube saying his stepmother is a chronic liar and drama queen, that she’s never mentioned this supposed “rape” to anyone in the family including her husband. He apologizes to Roy and Mrs Moore, and offering to give a written statement in support of Moore’s campaign.

  11. Accusing Moore ticks two boxes for the left: Moore is a Republican and he balances out the accusations against lefty Hollywood types, and Moore is a Republican they don’t like.

  12. Several more women have come forward today describing Moore’s behavior and attempts to pick them up when they were High School students. They have similar stories about his prowling the local mall and how they would try to avoid coming into contact with him. There seems to be no end to women who recall Moore’s creepy approach toward them when they were very young girls. It does seem to me that the one accuser who worked for Democrat Party in Alabama probably started this line of inquiry by the MSDM. Does anyone believe that a big Hillary Clinton supporter would not have mentioned this as Moore started his run for Senator? Moore is not on trial, but he is under incredible scrutiny. His accusers should be under the same intense scrutiny.

  13. This poorly orchestrated hatchet job against Roy Moore is gonna backfire. He might win the Alabama Senate by a “yuuge” margin, even with illegals, the decreased and transplanted progressives voting multiple times.

  14. ^^^…even with illegals, the decreased and transplanted progressives voting multiple times for Doug Jones. Don’t believe the polls. They were wrong in Trump’s case. It can happen again.

  15. And all of us on Moore’s side need to stop calling this silly, possibly forged or altered yearbook “the Evidence”.

    It’s not “evidence” of anything. It’s simply “Merry Christmas” on Dec 22, 1977.

    I grew up in a small Southern town. Yearbook signatures were a big deal, mostly to girls.
    Girls made obsessive checklists of who they wanted to “sign their yearbooks”. It was akin to autograph seeking.
    All your favorite teachers had to sign, and as many other Adults as possible. Neighbors, relatives, the postman, the Malt Shop owner, your Mom’s boss, your Pastor or Priest. Radio station DJ’s at car dealership promotions.
    Nothing odd about having a regular customer at your diner job (handsome, and a DA!) sign. And he wrote the same generic best wishes that all adults did.
    Nothing “improper” here.
    It may also be a later forgery added specifically for these accusations. That signature certainly looks like it was traced directly off Moore’s signature on the 1999 divorce decree.

    And yes, Allred should be disbarred. She’s crossed the line between “advocacy” and “extortion” once again.
    If we had an actual Attorney General she’d be facing charges for those paid accusers against Candidate Trump as well.

  16. I’m with BFH on this. This frying a guy without proof is bs. I know very little about Moore, but every story so far has sounded like total bs.

    Hell the 14 year old admitted she became a druggie, who is to say her brain wasn’t fried. She also has huge holes in her story and her excuse she waited until now because of mistakes she’s made in life. At least one of the women is a liberal idiot. The last one didn’t remember he tried to rape her when he was the judge during her divorce, but suddenly finds this old year book. It would take quite a bit of digging for me to find my old yearbooks. If someone had tried to rape me and signed my yearbook in the least that page would have been torn out years ago if not the entire damn book burned. Hell teenage girls scribble out names of their boyfriend when they break up, but this crazy teen kept the message from a man who tried to rape her? Something that scarred her so bad, she breaks down sobbing 40 years later?

  17. I’m no Shakespeare (or Groucho Marx), but there seems to be something rotten in Tuscaloosa…and even more so in Washington D.C.

    One morning I shot a 14 yr. old in my pajamas. How she got in my pajamas, I don’t know. Then we tried to remove the tusks. The tusks. That’s not so easy to say. Tusks. You try it some time. As I say, we tried to remove the tusks. But they were embedded so firmly we couldn’t budge them. Of course, in Alabama the Tuscaloosa, but that is entirely ir-elephant to what I was talking about.

  18. Well last time I commented on this subject I managed to piss everyone off. So hey, WTF, I’ll do it again.

    Why the hell did this guy get into specifics about dating a 14 year old when he was 32? Holy Crap. And really I don’t care. But the thought that that statement would not have repercussions outside Alabama is freaken stupid. Insane. Quite obviously. Which was my original point a couple days ago. You can apologize by giving me massive TU’s. You can start Geeknerds.

    He should have followed Trumps text book example on how to manage this shit FAKE NEWS, MOVE ON.

  19. While everyone is talking about whether he liked teenagers 40 years ago, nobody is talking about the democrat on the ticket who supports abortion up to birth.

    Nothing more evil then supporting crushing a baby’s skull minutes before he/she is born and not one damn POS so called Republican is talking about it.

    Sometimes I really hate people in this country.

  20. That DA after Moore’s name reminds me of some WWII history.

    During the Battle of the Bulge, the Germans infiltrated some people behind American lines. They were dressed in American uniforms, they spoke like Americans (many of them had grown up in the U.S.). One of the things that tipped off the Americans was this: the Germans noticed that many IDs of captured Americans had the letters NMI between the first and last name. Thinking it was important, they included those letters on all of the fake IDs they made, so they would read something like “Fred A NMI Jones.”

    What they did not know was that NMI stood for “no middle initial.”

  21. Think of when we had pictures taken for our yearbooks,
    at the beginning of the school year eh? Delivery of the Yearbook is
    in June of the following year. Who gets Yearbooks at Christmas?

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