Sam Donaldson Calls Sarah Sanders A Liar – IOTW Report

Sam Donaldson Calls Sarah Sanders A Liar

While the White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders was receiving “Rock Star” treatment at the president’s rally in Green Bay last night, washed up has-been Sam Donaldson (who officially retired in 2009) opined that Sanders deserves, “a lifetime achievement Oscar for lying.” More


40 Comments on Sam Donaldson Calls Sarah Sanders A Liar

  1. Well, even though Toby beat me to it. I was simply going to ask if he couldn’t have found his “real” looking rug for that photo??
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. What would happen if Sanders sued Donaldson for Slander. I know that the bar is high for a public figure, but it would be nice to see Donaldson have to actually prove she lied or admit that he was being slanderous. It would also be nice to see him have to justify some of his biased reporting, otherwise know as lying.

  3. And Sam proves this how?
    At which instance, particularly, did Mrs. Sanders lie?

    “If I say a thing I know is not perfect truth – it is a flat perjury.”
    Is this your standard, Mr. Donaldson?
    Et tu, Sambo?

    Best to watch the loose accusations.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Ooooooh… she used the word “countless” instead of “many”!
    Take her to the woodshed Sammy!
    Meanwhile I don’t recall hearing shit outta you for:
    “Benghazi was caused by a video”
    “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”
    “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan, PERIOD!”
    “My administration has been scandal free”
    Why don’t you go sell Crazy somewhere else. We’re full up here!

  5. My earliest CPAC experiences used to feature Donaldson debating Robert Novak. The audience would boo and hiss old Sam. He loved the attention. This is just a cry for attention.

  6. I guess Carl Bernstein’s slander just isn’t believable enough for CNN anymore. Now they’ve called in their relief legacy media codger and see how many more innings they can get out of him.

    Dr. Tar

  7. Sam Donaldson harassed Reagan and Bush Sr., then mysteriously went into retirement in 1993 when B.J. Clinton took the throne. He came out of retirement when Bush Jr. held office, then retired again when Obozo was in power. Now, here he is again. I’m starting to see a pattern, just can’t figure out what it is.

  8. Dr. – Carl Bernstein… oh yeah, there’s a nuther one nobody hear shit out of during all the Kenyan Krempuff’s years of flat-out lying, looting the Treasury and screwing American businesses, the American military, the American people and our allies while apologizing to our enemies!
    GFY Berstein!

  9. I had thought – hoped – that this pathetic, lying POS had “gone to his great reward”. Journalist?? No! JourANAList would be far more accurate.

    FO,ES AD, Sam.

  10. MJA: That was rather – who apparently also lied about the TX HS class he said stood up and cheered at the news that JFK had been shot. He was told the story was untrue by someone who was there but went ahead with it anyway. That lie reportedly was what catapulted that worthless POS to a DC job w/ CBS.

  11. Wigged out (def): 1 Being devoid of reality, To lose sense of normalcy, An out of body experience. To act crazy as a reaction. To briefly flirt with lunacy.

  12. CNN is having problems dredging up guests so they end up with alzheimer patients like Sam Donaldson and old Sam can’t find any other network to appear on except CNN. It’s a match made in has-been land.


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