Sanctuary State California will auto- register state-issued driver’s license holders to vote – IOTW Report

Sanctuary State California will auto- register state-issued driver’s license holders to vote

Dangerous: On April 1st,  California will implement a court order that automatically registers anyone with a state-issued driver’s license to vote in elections.

The California New Motor Voter Act was signed into law in October of 2015, the same year California instituted a new policy allowing illegal immigrants to obtain a driver’s license, which now accounts for nearly a million drivers, according to the Sacramento Bee.

As WND reports, the new policy, intended to energize California’s lackluster voter turn-out, raises big concerns about the potential for the nearly 1 million non-citizens who hold a driver’s license in the Golden State to vote illegally.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles now will be required by law to forward the records of all licensed drivers to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla’s office to be automatically registered to vote unless a driver purposefully opts out at the DMV.

After non-citizens were given driving privileges in 2015, concerns over their impact on voter fraud were raised, leading Padilla to insist voter fraud was “nearly nonexistent.”

Coming under scrutiny, Padilla has said illegals won’t be able to vote in California, as his office is being trusted to cross-check citizenship before issuing the vote. But the new law raises eyebrows about the potential for illegal aliens to be granted the vote either by bureaucratic mishandling or intentional malfeasance.   read more

22 Comments on Sanctuary State California will auto- register state-issued driver’s license holders to vote

  1. The freaken Federal Justice Department needs to set up shop in California ASAP. This is getting asinine. Disenfranchising actual Tax payers apparently means nothing to the totalitarian socialist that have appointed themselves as our leaders.

  2. It’s a terrible precedent and highly illegal. The only silver lining is that these people are not likely voters. They are not, by nature, civic minded.

    They could be bought, though.

  3. OK. Nullify every Kaliphornia vote in national elections. They can do whatever the hell they want to their state but they cannot unilaterally make laws that affect the rest of the nation. From now on, no more Kaliphornia Congressional delegation. Down to 98 Senators. Think about that Sacramento class-clowns.

  4. Other states should sue and ask that California’s electoral votes be declared invalid since they cannot guarantee the citizenship of their voters at such a substantial level. They have no rights to representation in a Republic for which they will not honor their fellow Americans.

  5. This is very dangerous and lead to a federal law suit to disenfranchise the entire California electorate in federal elections. California is illegally giving government ID’s (drivers license) to illegal aliens. Now the state is automatically registering anyone with a driver license to vote. There can be no safeguards put in place to be sure that non-citizens are being prevented from voting in a federal election. A lawsuit against the state could lead to a judge throwing all of California’s vote out the window because of gross corruption, fraud and negligence. Is this really what people of california want?

  6. This might work out great for the rest of the country. The Dems will not be able to win anything without California’s electoral votes. Here’s hoping the courts prove then null and void!

  7. Ok, let’s think for a minute. Didn’t CA pass the “Real ID” law requiring proof of citizenship for a driver’s license? If so, in light of that, does this make any difference?

  8. Federal Election laws would be violated if California counts votes from illegals participating in national elections. The U.S. Government would need to send monitors and volunteers to staff voting stations to make sure laws are not broken and threaten arrests where necessary.

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