Sanders and Schumer support Muslim for DNC takeover – IOTW Report

Sanders and Schumer support Muslim for DNC takeover

LAT: He’s a Muslim from the heartland and he could be the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota is slowly raking up support from some key figures within the party, such as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York Sen. Charles Schumer, who want him to be the next leader, following the party’s humbling presidential loss earlier this week.

Citing more than 250,000 signatures in support of Ellison on a petition posted to his website, Sanders said the congressman is the future of the party.  read more

34 Comments on Sanders and Schumer support Muslim for DNC takeover

  1. “Citing more than 250,000 signatures in support of Ellison on a petition posted to his website, Sanders said the congressman is the future of the party.”

    Are you shitting me? The “future of the party”? I swear the DNC is on a suicide mission. God bless them!

  2. I can’t think of anything that would more quickly destroy permanently the Democratic Party.

    This is a statement about how utterly deaf the Democrats are with respect to the wishes of the AMERICAN people.

  3. Just when you thought the democrats could not get any more stupid. Maybe Ellison can wear a keffiyeh, wave around a koran, and yell “Death to the infidel!” Extremism and radicalism and sharia law, that is what Americans are looking for. This party really does attract the kooky lunatic fringe. They desperately try to hide this, esp at election time, but it gets harder, and more people are on to their lunacy.

  4. I suspect that the real power behind the DNC (the money men that like to stay as anonymous as possible) is going to step forward and put the kibosh on this. They can’t afford to give the GOP and conservatives in general a pinata like Keith and since it’s becoming accepted now to question Islamic terrorism without being labeled a racist it’s just too dangerous to risk. Having said that, maybe the DNC is just that stupid.

  5. By all means make Ellison head of the DNC. Schumer of New York has to be the sneakiest fucker on earth, a pro Israeli (?) Jew supporting an anti Semite muslim. Just what the fuck is next?
    I’d like to see young Eric Trump run against that putz . But he has just been re elected and will take over for the other reptile, Harry Reid. Trump has his work cut out for him.

  6. First order of business legalizing Muslim Men marrying multiple goats! Apparently, the old Mad Hatter and Dickhead Schumer are closet goat stickers, or their wives just look and act like goats!

  7. ONE cannot help but ask….is the DNC on death watch with Gramma? Every time they listen to their “OLD SAGE SHITPICKLES” they take another turn towards the cemetery. These are the equivalents of the RINOs and GOPers. The movement away from Globalism and Socialism they do not grasp, nor even got the memo. Sanders and Schumer must be the new pack dhimmo leaders. Such strong alpha types, SNARK! Bad teeth and addled brains. Too much arsenic laced koolaid no doubt.

  8. I guess I misunderstood the statement he made about CAiR and Hamas back in 03:

    Senator Charles Schumer: “we know [CAIR] has ties to terrorism” …”intimate links with Hamas”
    Statements From Sept. 2003 Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism.

    I thought at the time that the bastard was AGAINST terrorism. Now he’s rooting for one of the infiltrators?

  9. Well the Progressive/Socialists/Communists didn’t fair too well.

    Might as well turn it over to the muslims with all the Obama approved Islamic refugees.
    An added plus the Saudi, Qatar, UAE and other muslim countries would donate big bucks to destroy the US.

  10. In no way should muslim pig Hack’em Mo – He – Mad be given any consideration.
    He should have never been seated in the congress.
    The last person so disqualified was Adam Clayton Powell.
    And even he wasn’t a traitor.

    PSEUDONAME Keith Ellison should not even be allowed to sit in the House of Representatives.
    But don’t expect any smelly democrat to understand.

  11. WTF…..

    DEMocRATS are going to have a moslem in charge of the US political party for feminists, lgbt’s, and minorities….

    I thought moslems only wanted to teach them how to fly….

    by tossing them off tall buildings?

  12. The Muslim guy can’t do any worse than the socialists /commies. So I say yes, give the 7th century totalitarian ideology a chance. What could possibly go wrong? Ellison might approve of rape and pedophilia, but I haven’t heard anything about an email problem.

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