Schumer and Pelosi Go Hyperbolic Over Leaked SCOTUS Draft – IOTW Report

Schumer and Pelosi Go Hyperbolic Over Leaked SCOTUS Draft


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer issued a joint statement late Monday reacting to news that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade, according to an unprecedented leak of the first draft of the majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

“If the report is accurate, the Supreme Court is poised to inflict the greatest restriction of rights in the past fifty years – not just on women but on all Americans,” the Democratic leaders wrote. More

26 Comments on Schumer and Pelosi Go Hyperbolic Over Leaked SCOTUS Draft

  1. Loco – I’d like to see a meme or a political cartoon with a fetus in the womb holding a sign saying “My Body, My Choice”. I think that would be pretty powerful.

  2. * but on all Americans,

    How, exactly, is this inflicting the greatest restriction of America’s trans rights who split their penis and turned their asshole inside out?

    I mean, that’s the only group that has mattered in America for a while now, so I’d like an explanation. They had the surgery to become women and matter more than any other American, especially as newly created birthing people. So what matters to them matters to me.

    Do baby killing doctors have a special set of baby killing tools that work within a flipped inside out asshole or is that discriminatory?

    Or do I have it all wrong and the killing of their baby is with a surrogate and they lay in a hospital bed with a coat hanger stuck in their ass while the real abortion takes place in the other room as they take twitter pictures and call in to work for time off; like Petey did?

  3. @fnuck, son of fnord – “Disarming Ukraine endangers all of Russia!”

    WTF does that mean? And what thread are you on? For that matter, what planet are you on?

  4. What the hell!
    Wasn’t just a month ago these effing tards couldn’t even define what a woman was!
    Now they are promising women unfettered abortion within their states.

  5. I phucking hate liberals.

    I rejoice at their yammering, lunatic stupidity which is a silent admission of their guilt.

    I am tempted to hope they WAKE UP and realize their ignorance, BUT…I KNOW IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

    SO….PHUCK everyone of them.

  6. These screeching, hysterical banshees have convinced me that not only should abortion stay legal, but in their particular instance, it should be mandatory for all pregnancies they experience. God forbid these rabid bitches should reproduce.

  7. 48 hours ago they were.pissed off at Orangeman
    24 hours ago they were pissed off at Spaceshipman
    Now they’re pissed off at being given the ability to vote on abortion!
    Screeching, hysterical assholes!

  8. They needed something big to bump “2000 Mules” off the news this week and weekend. According to GP and other sources its selling out wherever it’s showing.

  9. @Abogail. I am afraid to watch 2000 Mules. I am already so spun up. Pretty sure I know a lot of this. Trying to control my anger. 2000 Mules will not be good for my mental health. Love Dinesh, but a man needs to know his limitations. Or whatever Clint said.

  10. Our side needs to read that brief. Their side can’t read. This takes the abortion issue out of the Feds hands and puts it at the state level. Where it belongs. SCOTUS did not allow abortions. The left has chosen this to be their hill to die on. I’m good with that, providing we accommodate. Schumer and Pelosi are a couple shit weasils trying to pour gas on the fire. because Libtards are getting their asses handed to them.

  11. Pelosi and Schumer don’t give a rats flying F about abortion. They are pissed because they are loosing their power to the likes of every red state governor.

  12. “abortions are easier than trojans, for a demonrat”

    yeah, ’cause no one wants to buy used trojans … full-term murdered baby parts are big $$$ … adrenochrome, yum yum!

    god, I hate these ghouls w/ every fiber of my being!

  13. I think this whole thing was designed to mobilize their base to get them out in the streets and to provide a pretext for Dem Leadership “outrage messaging” against Conservatives. What else do they have for people buy in to? I’m watching several live streams and cities all over are flooded with protestors. It’s just too convenient. The messaging is not simply about abortion; it’s all of a whole that includes the queer agenda and the racial agenda, etc. I hope Roe is overturned, but something tells me it won’t be and the “leak” is all by design. It is fun watching them melt-down, though.

  14. Just in time for the spring riots. We needed some fresh photo stock of liberated women clawing at the SC doors. If any get inside would that qualify as an insurrection?

  15. The two mega-phonies, both known race supremacists with Schumer being the gleeful recipient of Jeffrey Epstein’s pay-off money, knew in advance of the “leak”. It was put forth deliberately and paid off a clerk to incite (typical) violence and chaos by the lefty lame lib-lobes who are also race-killers via the race-hater Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood operation, assorted killers of minority babies, and Joe Biden’s longtime race supremacy creeds.

  16. Donkey-Ass leadership:

    “If the report is accurate, the Supreme Court is poised to inflict the greatest restriction of rights in the past fifty years – not just on women but on all Americans,”.

    They say and believe that it affects all Americans because men can now get pregnant and therefore will need to be able to get an abortion. And, probably, they want to save the right of American men to impregnate millions of women and then “hop right into that car and drive around the world” like in the old Dion hit, easily avoiding the bother of providing for a child. Old fashioned morality, or if not that, Shotgun Weddings used to be the cure.

    Liberals support every diabolical thing possilbe to imagine.

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